Resaving old files to new version SU8 issue
I have 85 2d molding profiles that are dated from 2003 when SU was version 3.1.27 all of them still have the old default colored faces (Olive and darkish-blue) when I updated an saved a few of them to my current version of SU8 I noticed still a considerable lag time in opening and closing these files in SU8 It takes 15 seconds to open a file containing 23 entities and the same time to exit.
some of my recent SU 8 files containing 2135 entities take 5 seconds less time to open and close.
Also these old files at times have a habit of greying out SU8 on exiting.Question:
- Is this an issue or is this considered normal?
- Is there a way to do a mass upgrade of these files, instead of 1 at a time?
Once you have opened the files in a newer version run Model Info > Fix Problems... and Purge Unused if appropriate... Then save as the new version...
There's no simple way of automating this...