[Plugin] QuadFaceTools
I am not looking for a work around. The intent of the post is to report a misbehaviour of the QFT function "Remove Triangulation".
To reproduce the issue I have attached a sketchup file.
The below animated gif shows how to reproduce it.

Example sketchup model to reproduce QFT "Remove Triangulation" issue
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I would appreciate your help since when I install the quadface tools plugin the plugin toolbar does not appear. I have installed it in sketchup 2018 and 2019 -
@tecnomijas said:
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I would appreciate your help since when I install the quadface tools plugin the plugin toolbar does not appear. I have installed it in sketchup 2018 and 2019Right-click an icon on the toolbar zone and check if the QuadFace Tools is checked on.
Thomas, is there a "drape" a quad mesh on a "target" triangulated mesh (in another group, serving as a reference) along Z axis?
I'm fond of your "Flatten selection" command in Architect Tools, but I'm looking for a tool that basically "drops" all the vertices of a quad group on a target triangulated mesh group, while keeping the first group as quads. -
@optimaforever said:
"drape" a quad mesh on a "target" triangulated mesh (in another group, serving as a reference) along Z axis?
Is something like this what you are after?
Impressive modeling video!
Not exactly what I'm looking for but impressive nonetheless!Let's say I have a simplified 3d mesh from a topographic survey (drawn from isohypse lines and meshed with toposhaper for instance). Very complex and heavy, and full tris so impossible to edit quickly.
Then I have a site in quad topology modeled in 2D from CAD plans with correct projections of roads, buildings rivers, and so on.
Right now, I move manually each vertice of my quad site to fit the correct height of the topographic mesh, beginning by the roads, then outlines of buildings, etc.
Of course, I use separated groups to keep the quads from merging with the tris, and I regularly test if SubD works without generating errors) and save a lot.For complex sites, it takes hours. I enjoy the zen attitude when modeling sites but sometimes I realize that it's very repetitive and boring.
So, what I'd like is a script that 'drapes' the vertices of my quad mesh on the topographic mesh with one click, just like the sandbox's drape tool but that keeps the quads, so I can keep subDing afterwards, and of course further editing because the project always evolves...
Oh I see. +1 one for this tool request! Sort of "conform quad mesh to target mesh" that would be really useful.
maybe there is some workaround using tons of plugins.. -
Maybe this tecnique could be a workaround for your case?
(drape c-points + TIG triangulate points + QFT convert triangulated mesh to quad + VT make planar on Z + flowify without cut)
@optimaforever said:
This method should work in most simple cases indeed.
I totally disagree about this. If you use a similar approach by modular patches you can manage to project rather complex quad models on pretty large terrain
Ah sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree that Flowify is robust.
I'm meaning, I'd work with small patches at a time because SubD becomes unstable and slow to edit with huge meshes, not to mention the errors and the time it needs to pinpoint the culprit vertices.PS I'm not used to see fast replies on this thread
By the way, I was looking for some workaround with
- C-points at vertex (TiG) of the quad mesh
- Drop C-points on the target mesh with Raytracer (Thomthom)
- trying triangulate points (TIG) but ended in a mess, so I was looking for a script to recreate a quad mesh from the dropped Cpoints...
Thanks Marcello for the long didactic video !
Very clever, you're a genius!
This method should work in most simple cases indeed. Flowify rules! The thing is, not to forget to use Flowify WITHOUT CUT, and to keep things simple.
In the past, I used Instant Road but it produces messy meshes, impossible to edit anymore and you need to keep track of each iteration of the terrain, just in case you need to change road position, height, crossings, etc. -
@optimaforever said:
trying triangulate points (TIG) but ended in a mess, so I was looking for a script to recreate a quad mesh from the dropped Cpoints...
That would be great indeed.. Maybe TIG could manage to add an option to to the plugin for "quadrangulate points", like his other excellent plugin "extrusion edge by rails" already does.
Indeed. But Thomthom could update his Raytracer too; just add an option to drop the vertices on a target mesh (he already has the command to drop Cpoints - btw I love the Drop with Trace option)
@optimaforever said:
Indeed. But Thomthom could update his Raytracer too; just add an option to drop the vertices on a target mesh (he already has the command to drop Cpoints - btw I love the Drop with Trace option)
I admit I have to dig deeper into raytracer plugin, wich I only tryed few minutes and forgot about..
So not sure how the function you are speakin'abot works.
But it sounds like you could need a plugin called "trow to" (in throw to infinity mode). Do you already know it? -
I'm having trouble importing a model from Blender/ OBJ into SketchUp with retaining quadface topology. How should I proceed after importing an OBJ mesh? Should I select whole group and use "Blender to quads" button? Or shall I open the group, select raw geometry and then press the button? What should happen? Are the edges supposed to soften/ unsoften according to quad layout? Because in my model nothing happens (I attached .blend + OBJ file that I'm importing).
I know a similar question was already asked in this thread but unofrtunately, the documentation from bitbucket.com is no longer there. Can I still find a full documentation on QuadFace Tools anywhere?
"Can I still find a full documentation on QuadFace Tools anywhere?"Full help, but in French:
I often find plugin helpers in English (but not in French) and I have to translate myself into French. its not always easyUne aide complète, mais en français:
Je trouve souvent des aides de plugins en anglais (mais pas en français) et je dois traduire moi-même en français. Ce n'est pas toujours facile.
QuadFace Tools
Ceci est l'adaptation libre du site de Thomthom
QuadFace Tools (quadfacetoolsfr.weebly.com)
@ Zooen Ah, mais c'est de moi ça!
La page d'avant c'était celle-là -
@ Optima Un ancien du regretté PBB ?
@pilou said:
@ Zooen Ah, mais c'est de moi ça!
Ah, si javais su ça je te l'aurais demandé en pdf, mais on ne voit pas l'auteur sur le site.
Les vieux, comme moi, on aime bien le papier. j'ai dû jouer du copier coller et les images ce baladent un peu!
Tu dois bien avoir l'original en anglais pour ce pauvre Brexiteur. Sinon il va y passer des heures et avec google traduction c'est joyeux, quelques fois, le résultat.
Là, c'en est.
There it is
Ah, if I had known that I would have asked you in pdf, but we do not see the author on the site.
Old people, like me, we like paper. I had to play copy and paste and the pictures wander around a bit!
You must have the original in English for this poor Brexitor. Otherwise it will spend hours there and with google translation it is joyous sometimes the result.