Shape bender doesn't really work
@tig said:
You never mentioned that error-message until now!
Help us help you.
We are not that psychic...If you read the tool's download page it clearly says it also requires '
This is a helper file that shows progress in the status-bar.
Download it free
- there is even a link........Thanks Tig.
I works now, takes long though. but how come it created some pieces separated from the shape. I don't see yours come out like that.
and how do I get rid of those doted vertical line on surface. I can't really use offset when they r there.
Turn off Hidden Geometry.
View/untic Hidden Geometry
P.S. Normal offset won't work on a curved surface, you need the offset from Tools On Surface.
@box said:
Turn off Hidden Geometry.
View/untic Hidden Geometry
P.S. Normal offset won't work on a curved surface, you need the offset from Tools On Surface.
Thanks Box. It helps.
BTW, How do I weld these two pieces together seamlessly?
Select the middle joining lines and delete them.
@unknownuser said:
Select the middle joining lines and delete them.
On the flat one of course you can do that. the one I was showing is on a curve. when deleting the joining lines it will only destroy the structure.
Like this:
Hide them - Erase+Shift
Smooth them - Erase+Ctrl -
As Victor shows it's probably best to copy/mirror one half so you bend the whole thing centered on the line/curve so you avoid the 'seam' problems...
Yes Jet that happened to me, so I only deleted the front, back and bottom, left the curved one in place.
@tig said:
Hide them - Erase+Shift
Smooth them - Erase+CtrlI knew. that's what I've done.
I need to delete the line, but not just hide them. Cause I need to work on a seamless surface. -
'Smooth' them then!
They will then be like any other surface edge -
@unknownuser said:
Yes Jet that happened to me, so I only deleted the front, back and bottom, left the curved one in place.
thanks, vicspa. I did that too. but the curved shape became too big. Is there a way to control it?
@unknownuser said:
I did that too. but the curved shape became too big. Is there a way to control it?
Make the curve the shape and the line the same length (entity info).
@sketchupnoobie said:
Works fine for me.
Try to be a little more specific. What does "not work" mean? Does SketchUp crash? Does does the plugin just hang? Do you get an error message? Do you get messed up geometry?
You'll get a better answer if you let people know whats going on.
why shape bend can't choose the line when it ask me to choose it
I recently started using plugins on sketchup and Im also kinda amateur in using this program. I added your Plugin to my sketchup. Im trying to bend a wall with all its windows and openings but Im having a problem. Every๏ปฟ time that I wanna activate the plugin it says "Please have a single group or Component to bend selected before activating the script."
I tried it with making my wall into a group and then selecting it, or exploding it and selecting the very bottom line, or drawing a line at the bottom of the wall and selecting it, or selecting both the line from the wall๏ปฟ and the curved single line that I had made but nothing is working. Any suggestion?
@sondos said:
...why shape bend can't choose the line when it ask me to choose it
The line AND the curve must NOT touch any other geometry, including each other.
This first picked line must also be parallel to the X-axis [red].
If you get Ruby Console errors relating to 'cursors' it suggests that you have not installed this tool correctly and its folder of cursor images etc is missing or it's incomplete.
If you get other errors in the Ruby Console or the tool 'stalls' after starting, then also ensure that you have downloaded and installed the helper file 'progressbar.rb' from '', as instructed in this tool's download page notes... [mod=:12dkj2cy]EDIT: the v2014 compliant version no longer needs progressbar.rb ![/mod:12dkj2cy] -
I am having a problem with shapebender where I get it to work but it only gives me the frame of my shape and not the surfaces. Do you know what is going on?
Do you have a picture?
Hi guys,
when I select the horizontal line drawn on red axes, it does not really be selected (I don't get the notification of start&end) so the bending does not occur??
Moreover, in extension manager a warning is shown "Unsigned", may that be the problem?