LO3 rotate input value don't work !!
I'm not having that problem. could you post a LayOut file that gives you the problem? You don't need to enter the ° symbol because that is assumed.
@dave r said:
I'm not having that problem. could you post a LayOut file that gives you the problem? You don't need to enter the ° symbol because that is assumed.
I have the problem with any file, not one in particular. I pick the rotation gizmo from selected object, start moving it, then input a value and press ENTER -> Fail.
Is it dependent of Regional Settings of Windows? -
By "rotate gizmo" you're refering to the blue dot at the end of the short line in the center of your selection? You click and start to drag in the desired direction and then type the rotation angle followed by the enter key?
Actually, I just tried it. If I don't drag the dot a little to indicate the direction, I get the Invalid String message.
Mate if you want to rotate to 90 degrees, make sure snap to objects is turned on and then whilst rotating hold the shift key, this will then snap to each 15 degree interval!
I so wish the Googies would include a button / short cut - rotate 90 CW / CCW!!! Please!!!!!!! Long standing request through the betas, yet never seems to be picked up!
I am also having this problem. I would like to rotate precisely but when I enter the degree to be rotated a message comes up saying "invalid string" - anyone know what is going on here?
Tom, did you start the rotation by dragging the rotate handle? You have to do that before you type the angle of rotation.
Yes - read the previous posts & have tried dragging the rotate handle clockwise & anticlockwise and corresponding positive or negative angle but same result of "invalid string". It makes no difference if the angle typed in is 90 degrees or 1 - same result.
Strange. Hopefully Barry will see this and respond.
Thanks Dave
Also the other problem I have with the rotate tool is that if I try doing it manually using the rotate handle I can only rotate to an accuracy of 2 degrees - thats if I zoom way out from the drawing. If I am in close where I can actually see what I am doing it jumps from between 3 & 5 degree accuracy. I need to be able to set angles in layout more accurately than this for site set out drawings, is this a common problem with layout or one that I can resolve?
you need to 'drop' the rotate handle, let it go wherever, and then enter your angle.
youtube video:
Mike, thanks for the video.
I wonder if it is that simple. Just a case of clicking the mouse to let go after starting the rotation. It surely isn't a common problem or a bug or there'd be more people reporting it.
Yep it's that simple - duh. Sorry to trouble you & thanks for getting me on my way.
Hey, no problem. sometimes it's just some little trick like clicking or not clicking that does it. Those little things become so automatic that it can be difficult to identify what it is that is the missing link in the process.
Who can type before letting a hand off the mouse? We actually did notice this a long time back, and since it was different than SketchUp (you can do either in SketchUp), I think I filed a bug. But it's such a lower priority that it hasn't been addressed. Glad you noticed
@dave r said:
Hey, no problem. sometimes it's just some little trick like clicking or not clicking that does it. Those little things become so automatic that it can be difficult to identify what it is that is the missing link in the process.
@bjanzen said:
Who can type before letting a hand off the mouse? We actually did notice this a long time back, and since it was different than SketchUp (you can do either in SketchUp), I think I filed a bug. But it's such a lower priority that it hasn't been addressed. Glad you noticed
@dave r said:
Hey, no problem. sometimes it's just some little trick like clicking or not clicking that does it. Those little things become so automatic that it can be difficult to identify what it is that is the missing link in the process.
My hope and dream as LayOut is improved under Trimble is that commands and pick sequences act the same from SU to LO. LO can be maddening at times when switching back and forth.