Photomatching Issue
@valerostudio said:
It's all about the photo you are matching. Sometimes I have very little issue putting my rendering into a photo using photomatch and sometimes it does not work at all because the way SketchUp takes those match lines and creates the scene tab camera view. Sometimes its so distorted that when you just hit zoom ever so slightly (the trick to getting Vray to render the match) it zooms way out and the perspective vanishing points are reset. It's just one of those things you need to tread carefully around I guess.
Upon reading your post more carefully, perhaps I understand the problem a little better. You say, "putting my rendering into a photo."
Photomatch is designed to allow you to model an existing scene from a photograph." Now if you design a building from scratch you can not drop that building into a photo without matching the point of origin and the vanishing points that would exist if the building were already in the photo.
To do this without a lot of painful trial and error you will need to know exactly where you expect the front corner of your building to touch the ground in the photo. You need to know the precise distance that point was from the optical center of your lens at the time you took the picture. You also need to know how high that optical center was when the photo was taken.
This can be done very reliably. The question is how much prep work on site are you willing to do at the time of the site photograph? Would you like me to step you through the process and make it into a tutorial for everyone else?
- 4 years later
Has anyone had any success in figuring out how to fix this issue with VRAY and SU 2015? I have used photo match to setup multiple camera views.