Happy 4th July Yankees
Vegan BBQ?
What asparagus on the grill? mind you, some garlic buttered portabello mushrooms, fresh corn and pinapple BBQ'd is nice (not quite like ribs and steak)
Where does this BBQ tradition come from?
@unknownuser said:
Where does this BBQ tradition come from?
Dunno, but I think being hot sunny and with family around, it's a logical choice, and we have enough turkey days (bland white meat)
Yeah, I think it's more to do with July 4 being in the summer.
If thanksgiving were in the summer, it'd probably be a BBQ too.
Drinko de Mayo is a pretty standard BBQ day as well. -
I had to Google that Jeff
Have a Happy and safe Fourth all fellow Americans! (transplants as well - since we all were transplanted somewhere down the line)
While the meaning has changed considerably over the years, some things like family and friends gathering for food / spirits / fireworks remain the same. While to others it may seem like all we do is eat too much, drink too much, and then go blow stuff up and make a lot of noise - I would like to believe that the majority of americans reflect for at least a moment during the course of the day or the extended weekend on why we actually celebrate.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the men and women who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces of the United States of America here and abroad. Thank you for your service to our country and flag that represent the principles on which this nation was built by the founding fathers that signed the Declaration of Independence.
Thank You!
Dean -
@unknownuser said:
I had to Google that Jeff
Did it show up?
I'm pretty sure I made that up 10 or so years ago.
(but then again, I guess it ranks fairly low on the cleverness scale. A bunch of people probably made it up as well)
@unknownuser said:
Yup, I'm South African, so today is like New years day where I'm from.
so every time you see my name you think of money?
someone brought some garlic chicken sausage.. there was good mustard..
still managed to see the fireworks on the hudson from brooklyn..
turned out ok. -
@krisidious said:
@unknownuser said:
Yup, I'm South African, so today is like New years day where I'm from.
so every time you see my name you think of money?
Not sure what you mean...I'm South African, not Nigerian.
@solo said:
@krisidious said:
@unknownuser said:
Yup, I'm South African, so today is like New years day where I'm from.
so every time you see my name you think of money?
Not sure what you mean...I'm South African, not Nigerian.
[actual name- not forum name]
[edit- but maybe you're saying something different than i'm picking up on
.. thanks to wiki, i now know nigerian currency is naira.. so i don't see how that's tying in]
the National currency of South Africa? is it not Rand? like my name? anyway I guess that answers the question on whether you see my name and think money.
I understand now... you thought I was making a Nigerian Scammer Joke? no... I was talking about my last name.
never noticed the Rand part.
Barbecue comes from the Spanish word Barbacoa. The Taino Indians of the Caribbean called their style of cooking baribicu, however the Arawak Indians of the Caribbean also hung their meat from the green branches of the Bearded Fig (Las Barbadoes) to slow roast over an open fire. So take your pick of the origin of the name.
Liam, viva Las Irlandeses. My daughter and her husband loved the reception they got when visiting Ireland. As we say on the fourth. Slainte!
@roger said:
Liam, viva Las Irlandeses. My daughter and her husband loved the reception they got when visiting Ireland. As we say on the fourth. Slainte!
Alas im only half Irish Rodger your getting me confused with the other ginger! I live in London now!
Here are some pics of the BBQ, ironically wearing my base-camp shirt?
Those working lunches are taking their toll kid
@unknownuser said:
Those working lunches are taking their toll kid
Indeed, more so the liquid lunches
It's Bastille Day in 8 days. That's going to require some serious cooking.
We had a a typical 4th with BBQ and fireworks with friends. But as someone mentioned we did talk a little about the meaning. I think the legacy of the Declaration of Independence (and the Bill of Rights) is for all people (the Enlightenment just didn't happen here, the colonies just had the opportunity). Now Liu Xiaobo is in prison, like others, for supporting Charter 08, proclaiming the same unalienable rights. We should appreciate today's freedom fighters on days like this.
Charter 08
http://www.hrichina.org/public/contents/press?revision_id=89851&item_id=85717As we raised a beer, we also reflected how the right to the "pursuit of happiness" was not just a throw-away phrase for the revolutionaries.