HDRI issues
Hello guys another question hopefully someone will be able to answer?
I'm trying to add some HDRI backgrounds into my model but i add them into the GI Color and the BG color using the textbitmap option then change the UVW to the UVWgenEnvironment.
In the bitmap buffer i add the HDRI file. After repeating this process for the BG color i go to render but the background image just doesn't seem to render instead i get a blank background. Any ideas why this may be happening?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Craig
try switching off your physical camera..^^,)
Maybe try to leave TexSky in GI and put your HDRI only on BG with about 50 or 60 for environment setting. That's what i do with success.
Careful with your bitmap, whatever his size (usualy rectangular), VRay will transform your image in covering the all interior face of a sphere (simulating the sky) with your scene in his center. So, the best way i found for that is to have a 360° sky picture from horizon to zenith for covering the sky in your hemisphere and enlarge in vertical way your picture to simulate the opposite hemisphere (dificult to explane in my poor english, sorry for that...).
An image is usualy better than a (too) long explanation :
You should obtain something like that (not the same sky in this picture) :
Good luck !
@06100143 said:
try switching off your physical camera..^^,)
No need for that. Just increase the multiplier for the HDRI map. 20-50 depending on the map. The reason is because an HDRI isn't as intense as the Sky light.