Vray rendering help!!!
Hi guys!!!!
I'm nitin and i'm new to this vray rendering with sketchup..
I've tried this render attached below...i'm having this problem in every interior that some white spots always comes in my scene... i've tried so many settings already...have searched a lot on net still no help...
for indirect illumination Primary - irradiance map and secondary light cache.
already tried these things - checked the sub pixel mapping, disabled the refractive gi caustic. antianalising filter - lanczos and catmull bothPlease if someone can help me in this matter.
Thanks!!!vray ver 1.48.89
sketchup 8
please tell us the settings for Irradiance map and Light cache
My guess is that your glass material settings are not correct. Do you have the VRfSU materials? If so, try importing one of the standard glass materials replacing any glass materials you've made. If that doesn't work, then let's see a screen shot of your IR map and light cache settings.
Do you have any emmissive materials? Your irmap settings look to be taking too few samples.
just to explain why we are asking for the irmap and light cache settings: those light blots are probably due to small sample values!
@broomstick said:
just to explain why we are asking for the irmap and light cache settings: those light blots are probably due to small sample values!
Increase quality of rendering and spots will be gone.