How to do it ?
thaaanks rich
it will help me but do you know were can i find a detailled stucture like the picture ? thanks
Hi Ramy,
In another thread I showed you a video for creating pipes from lines...
Using that same technique to create the overall framework then use the arc tool to create the skin between these frame. Fredo's CurviLoft or TIG's Extrusion Tools 'fill' the arc boundaries to give you something like this...
Try Ferrari it's more friendly and better result and free!
My first link is to Ferrari
(sort of)
ill try to do it with ferari plug
Drama of two different names for a same thing
No think to verify -
exuse my bad english
i tryed t do it but i can't and i need it
please can someone try it and share this type of structure please ?
What will you learn if someone else makes it?
At least upload a pic or .skp so we can see where you are having difficulty