Cad file import problem
When i try to import some of .dwg Auto CAD files progres bar apears, but instead of loading drowing it just kiks me out to windows, and bug report sending window apears. Please help me- i have to finish my work!
Check which version of Autobad they have. If it's the latest get them to save the DWG as an earlier version (2010?) or possibly DXF.
Are they big files? I don't know if there is a size limit to importing.
Are they using a third party add-on which may create special data in the DWG that throws SU?
The creator of the DWG file should purge and audit the file and save the copy as an earlier version <=2010 - Also there are many things that might be in the DWG file that won't be imported into the SKP so these can be erased before purging etc - e.g. Text, Dimensions, Hatching etc... This will speed things up and avoid unneeded layers, blocks etc arriving with the import...