[Plugin] Title block from title v1.2 (20110713)
A small bug-fix.
New version soon available (tomorrow). 2 new variables : %DIR (to add directory of the drawing in cartouche) and %PAGE (an interesting variable that add name of the current scene in the cartouche. And every change of page will also modify cartouche).
A help file is here now. I modified call system of case change (no @@, but < or >). And now you can change order of title information.
Matt, would it be possible to tie this into the Scene Tabs to change page numbers and label each view according to the named scene tabs? (i.e. Front Elevation, Rear Perspective, etc.)
sorry, but I cannot find the link to download this plugin!
That's normal, Edson. I work on some improvments, and I will upload it soon.
thanks, matt, I thought I had a problem.
thanx for ur nice plugins
but Download from Where???
Unclex, Matt indicated he was working on improvements. He must have removed the link temporarily.
Ok, you can download plugin at the end of the first post.
Enjoy! -
Got it
Thanx Dave & Matt
Do not hesitate do give your opinion!
This is a wonderful plugin, but I find that changing the X and Y values do nothing to change the position of the text on the screen or on a print out. I've tried 0, .5, 1 and even higher numbers(even though 0 to 1 seems to be the range) but nothing changes. Also, what was or is 0 and 1 supposed to signify? X=0 left side of page, X=1 right side of page? I would like to place the text on the lower left of the screen underneath a title box I have placed using the watermark feature.
Lastly, when I click 'record existing cartouche' a box keep pops up telling me to 'please select a cartouche before you use this plugin'. How do you do that? I thought that that is what I was doing by clicking 'settings' and then 'add'. What am I doing wrong?
Now, my wish list:
A %TIME variable. I often print multiple printouts of the same drawing in a day and forget which was the last I printed.
The box that pops up when you click on settings is so high that I can barely click the OK button as it is almost scrolled off the bottom of my screen. Could the box maybe be resized more square, ie 2 columns, so that it fits better within the screen boundaries?
Ability to put text anywhere on the page with the X and Y feature (which doesn't seem to work for me).
Ability to leave a blank line or have double spaced lines rather than single spaced.
Thanks for a great plugin.
Hi Torontoww, and thank you for your answer.
Strange, X & Y values don't change anything. Did you put "0.4", "0,4", ".4" or ",4"? Can you open ruby console, run plugin and show me the result please?To use plugin "record existing cartouche", you have to click on an existing cartouche in the drawing (a text generated by cartouche plugin), and it will change this text if you want to update cartouche. In theory you don't have to use it, main plugin should find existing cartouche in the current drawing if exists.
Ok for %TIME.
I currently work on a HTML version of the box which will be resizable. But I don't have any time... Be patient please..
See behind
Ok, I will try to do something.
Matt, Thanks very much for this and for the detailed instructions and explanations at the top. Very helpful.
I wish folks would post example pics of how they are using this.
I figured out that in order to change the location of the cartouche on the screen you have to click on the cartouche, then press delete, then go to settings, change x and y, then click add and only then does the cartouche appear in a new location. It seemed logical that if you changed the settings the cartouche would move according to those new settings and nowhere is it mentioned in this thread or your program that you have to hit delete first. Of course if you could not delete then you could not remove the cartouche but perhaps you could add 'Delete existing cartouche' and change 'Add' to 'Add new cartouche'. Then it would be more obvious that you must delete first.
Now that I know this, the cartouche does move when I change X and Y. But when I put in X=1 and Y=1 the cartouche does not appear on the screen or print-out (using 8-1/2 x 11" paper). Also, I am still wondering how the X and Y change position according to 0 and 1. Is 0 one side of the screen and 1 the otherside, or? How do I get the cartouche to appear on the lower right hand corner (where most title boxes appear).
Here is a preview of the new version of cartouche plugin:
I don't have time to test it, and have a problem with preview window. But I would put it for download soon.