V -ray mess...
i´d like to create a brush stainless mail box in v-ray (1.48.89),
but insted of this i´m getting drowned
could you please somebody show me the right setting,
because i can´t show this result to others.(see/ attach.)
I would try adding an HDR to the Background slot, so your brushed metal has something to reflect.. otherwise your surface will always reflect white!
wonderful idea, thanks!
...but, there´re plenty of them, which is the best?
has anyone tried these ? i´ve downloaded some hdri files nature (Природа) but no chance to open zip files
it seems, they´re suitable just for 3d max.http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=11410
note. i thing, you can also get etraordinary results without hdri.
magic formula is settings, making eg. glass effect like this i found on deviantarti´ve seen also a very beautiful ice lettering effect with tutorial , but i can´t find it anymore.
Colored glass with that many curves is always going to render well IMO. A flat metal box is going to need some environment to reflect.
A brushed stainless material needs Fresnel reflection with a high IOR, like 18 or so, a brushed map in the reflection exclusion map and a brushed bump map. Chaos (formerly ASG) has some good ones on their site if your registered. Try this one http://luzindirecta.luxisessentia.com/index.php/categories-menu/metal-menu/176-aluminium-brushed-01
hi valerostudio,
thanks for your tips, very much appreciated.
i´ll try to play with material and model, and we´ll see.