Ruby Plugin Help
I've made a a plugin for Ruby before, but I'm writing another one and it requires something a bit tougher...
I want to gather all the groups that have the name that starts with "SPECIAL". In reality these groups will contain no faces, but simply curves. I want to get each "point" in the group and write it to a file (I know how to do that).
Now question is, how do I get the points for a line segment?
If I need to clarify more simply ask,
group.entities.each{|e| verts << e.vertices if e.class==Sketchup::Edge }
verts.flatten!each e.vertices returns a two element array, flatten explodes these
inner arrays so that verts is then one array...
this removes duplicate vertices from verts, i.e. because in a curve
most vertices get listed twice because they will have two edges...
verts.each{|v| points << v.position }points is now a list of all points represented by
all of the edges' vertices inside the given group...
Thanks, TIG!
How can I separate the groups whos names start with SPECIAL and the ones that don't, though? Thanks for your help,
EDIT: And also, I'm trying to use the 'puts' function, but when I'm doing this: file.puts "<model/>", it thinks that when I use the < & > symbols that I'm trying to define a constant or something. This is the same for the 'print' function. How can I add the < > characters? Thanks for your patience with me.
Well since you use the method to set the group's name, you will use the method to retrieve it. Use a comparison expression:
Sketchup.active_model.entities.each {|ent|
if ent.kind_of?(Sketchup::Group) && == 'SPECIAL']... then iterate the group's entites ...
... then flatten and uniqify the verts array,
... which can be done in one line:
%(#BF0000)[verts.flatten!.uniq!end # if SPECIAL group
... rest of code as shown above. -
Sorry I wasn't clear enough... I mean to retrieve whatever groups whos name STARTS with SPECIAL... Is there is an equivalent to C's "StartsWith" in Ruby?
You test for substrings using .include?
if ent.kind_of?(Sketchup::Group) &&'_SPECIAL_')
If you wish to really use starts with, then you can test a subrange of a string:
if ent.kind_of?(Sketchup::Group) &&[0..8] == '_SPECIAL_'
if ent.kind_of?(Sketchup::Group) &&[0,9] == '_SPECIAL_'
You can look up Core methods online: or download the CHM for offline use, from my post here: -
@alexs said:
Sorry I wasn't clear enough... I mean to retrieve whatever groups whos name STARTS with SPECIAL... Is there is an equivalent to C's "StartsWith" in Ruby?
You can use RegEx:
Or simple text operation:
my_string[0,9] == '_SPECIAL_'
To explain a little more about 'patterns'...
The ^ at the start says 'starts_with'
A $ at the end says 'ends_with'
Using both is equivalent to 'is_equal_to'.
Using neither says 'contains_this_text_anywhere' in the string...Note that the my_string.test(//) method is equivalent to my_string =~ // that you might also come across...
The whole pattern thing can be quite complex - e.g.
says starts with any character (^ inside the [] reverses the match) that is NOT a lowercase letter or number.
With gsub you can use something like it to 'squeeze' everything out of say a file-name so it only uses letters, numbers, '-' or '_' - e.g. as used in OBJ-file naming conventions, thus:
filename.gsub!(/[^-_A-Za-z0-8]/, '_')
There are several websites that cover this in considerable detail.......
Thank you guys, you've been a great help.
Now... just one LAST question. I'm trying to use the 'print' and 'puts' function, and I'm trying to put in these characters: < >
But when I load Sketchup, it gives me an error. I guess it thinks I'm trying to do something within the string when I put a < or >.
How can I fix this?
Those characters are both Ruby operators and instance method names.
Use the String concate method + to add those chars (which must be quoted.)
my_string = 'Some special string' + ' > ' + 'the last part of the string.'
or you can use replacement within double-quoted string:
my_string = "The value: #{biggernum.to_s} > #{smallernum.to_s}"
are numeric references.The 3rd way is to use the Integer instance method chr if you know the character's ordinal within the UTF-8 set.
Since decimal 60 is the ordinal for "less than" ...
returns the single char string"<"