[Plugin] Sketchup Ivy
Bother !
I'll swot up on alternatives...
Success, that got rid of the js [msie] error...
obviously, I still get the missing icon errors...
they are also called from jquery-ui.min.css as default images, but the folder is missing...john
Thanks for your help.
I compile an update.
I'll also look at this image failure... -
one example is on line 7
.ui-state-default{border;1px solid #ccc;background;#f6f6f6 url("images/ui-bg_glass_100_f6f6f6_1x400.png")
maybe just add the images, they must have been culled at some point...
Here's an update 0.6.6xx http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=SketchupIvy
The jquery/js in the html is adjusted to prevent some load-errors, which were reported on some MAC.
Some missing [but unused] image files are also now included to avoid some odd jquery/ui/css errors... -
It's a fine joke about version 0.6.6?
The archive is version 0.6.5. And she does not work correctly in the SU2014.
As bugs and leaves and with the lash. Very sensitive to changes in the settings. Please correct. Thanks in advance -
@chisaina said:
It's a fine joke about version 0.6.6?
The archive is version 0.6.5. And she does not work correctly in the SU2014.
As bugs and leaves and with the lash. Very sensitive to changes in the settings. Please correct. Thanks in advance
You are mistaken.
It is 0.6.6xx - where did you get v0.6.5 ?
The LiveIvy::VERSION did report incorrectly, but it's now reset at 0.6..., so the sub-version updates shouldn't show in the dialog-header?
The dialog should show 0.6... - no more ?In case you have mistakenly downloaded some older versions I have removed these from the initial posts.
Have you uninstalled any earlier LiveIvy.rb and the matching subfile with that name ?
You then need to reinstalled the full set from the downloaded PluginStore's RBZ, or AutoInstall it from the PluginStore dialog within SketchUp...
It works fine in v2014 and v2015 [AND v8 and v2013 !]
I do NOT understand your 'bugs/leaves/lash' comments.
It IS sensitive to changes in the settings, BUT it always was like that...All I have done is make it compatible with newest versions of SketchUp, plus I added support for alternative ivyleaf_ SKPs etc...
EDIT: v0.6.7x is now available see a few posts after this...
image folder needs to be inside the css folder, then I have no errors at all...
Dam' - I suspected as much !
50:50 - jumped the wrong way.
I'll fix it and release an update... -
Here's v0.6.7x [please note how it shows in the dialog header as '0.6...' - ALL "v0.6..." files should do this...]
It hopefully now fixes the final issue on some MACs, with the 'images' folder needed in the jquery/ui/js etc in the css folder [it does a 'tidyup' and removes any incorrectly located images subfolder automatically when it first loads]... -
Thanks a lot for squaring this thing up Tig. It's nice to have it back in the stable.
Yes thanks for your work on this. I can launch the dialog window in new simple files. But for some reason i cannot launch this in existing model files. skp 2014 mac osx 10.9.5 Perhaps it is conflicting with the maxwell plugin ?
Does not work properly with SU 2015 (Mac OS X 10.9.5) — makes only one branch, no leaves. With SU 2014 everything is ok
For me it works fine on SU2014/15 & OSX 10.9.5, remember the keys on Mac:
Start grow ivy -->Click
To make grow ivy to the mouse position-->CMD +Click
Make leafs -->ALT+Click
Finish the ivy --> SHIFT+Click
Reset the ivy--> i key -
@maxosmedia said:
With SU 2014 everything is ok
For me it grows and works fine in new files. If i try and open a previous project file i can't get the dialog window to open. It seems to stall.
I see response to my request to add the ability to choose the leaves.
In the summer I started doing sets of components for the various plants.
They are in varying degrees of completion. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32445396/ivyleaf_pasthenocissus.zip
Here is a package for "wild vine" (Parthenocissus) is not 100% like I wanted but one of the curiosities that I wanted to enter. Namely, they are leaves added on two layers of autumn (jesień) and summer (lato) allowing you to quickly change the color by switching layer.
In the future, if you have enough creative inspiration and I will try to finish the remaining sets I am working on and share them.Sorry for the grammatical errors have not practiced my English for a long long time
Great that you were able to add choices of leaves which I asked about.
I made a set of leaves for "wild vine" (I do not know the name in English in quotes I gave direct translation of common name in Polish ) in Latin it is Parthenocissus. Characterized by the fact that in the summer the leaves are green but autumn color change to dark red and do not fall for a long time because of that I wanted to add it to the model and more or less succeeded. Leaf models are double on two separate layers thanks to which switching between one and the other can changed season.
In the future, if I have enough creative inspiration to finish the remaining sets for other plants I will also share them.
Sorry for language mistakes I have not practiced writing in English for a long time
Your English is just fine MalyJacek... Really nice contribution.