Zipped Plugins -- A Guide to Installing Them
What's with "bootstrap_FredoScale.rb and bootstrap_RoundCorner.rb? Try changing their names to eliminate "bootstrap_" and restart SketchUp. Any change?
Err.. don't Know what the bootstrap thing was but I've got rid and it still aint finding it ??
I can't tell your full path to the Plugins folder from the image... is it in the 'root' HD...Library path [good] or ...User...Library path [bad].
@tig said:
I can't tell your full path to the Plugins folder from the image... is it in the 'root' HD...Library path [good] or ...User...Library path [bad].
Definitely in the HD path
sometimes with the simple .rb's they work by just dropping them in so I don't get it.
How do you load them from the console ?
I just got the SketchyFFD which I have a live project to use it on and that won't work and it's a simple file ??I'm on Mac 10.6.8 Sketchup pro 8
The purpose of this thread is to explain how to extract files and subfolders of helper-files [with their contents intact] into the Plugins folder...
You don't usually need to 'load them from the console', unless they are/were not in the Plugins folder at start-up.
Any .rb/.rbs file in the Plugins folder will be auto-loaded into Sketchup when it [re]starts.
Have you read all of the 'usage notes' of the problem these tools?
Some tools come as 'Extensions' which usually need a first-time activation from the Preferences dialog ...
While many such tools appear in the Plugins menu, some appear in other menus like Draw or Tools.
Some tools work just from a toolbar, which will need activating from View>Toolbars...
Some tools are context-sensitive and only appear in the right-click context-menu when you have appropriate things selected - e.g. a tool that only works on a component might not appear in the menu if there is not a component selected [AND 'SketchyFFD' needs one Group to be selected before it appears in the context-menu!!!].
A few tools only work by typing their commands into the Ruby Console, and some other 'scripts' appear to do nothing at all on their own, but they do provide support to allow other scripts to do their stuff [e.g. progressbar.rb or deBabelizer.rb]........... -
Hello all,
Being a former plugin junkie, I never had a problem installing, ...however I've had problems extracting unused plugins. After a good plugin folder cleanup, I still get a window that pops up warning me of error loading a file that belonged to SU 7 pro that I no longer have, (at least it does not come up on any search that I've done, see insert). Is there a guide to completely uninstall plugins successfully without leaving files behind to bug you.
You don't need to worry about removing subfolders of files as they are never used if their associated 'loading' .rb file is disabled.
In your case you have a .rb file that is trying to load [or more specifically in this case, 'read'] something from a subfolder that you must have moved or deleted [it is wise to 'move' as you can always 'restore' later - once 'deleted' it's 'gone'!].
The error messages are usually quite helpful.
In the case of the image you posted the script having the problem is called 'File_ModelFunctionBat.rb'; which can't find a file called 'SearchPath.txt' inside the subfolder called 'ModelFunction'.
Either remove the 'File_ModelFunctionBat.rb' that is failing to load properly [probably what you want to do?] OR possibly reinstate the missing subfolder/files so that it does then find what's missing...
Either way the error will stop.The Ruby Console errors show some faulty code - what is running to get this ??
I'm pretty much a NOOBwhen it comes to technical stuff like this, I did a search for 'File_ModelFunctionBat.rb', 'SearchPath.txt', 'ModelFunction' also did visual search in plugins folder,
and since nothing comes up, how can I restore this path???As far as the faulty code, and what is running to get this, the best I can do is shrug my shoulders and say " I Dunno"
I think I belong in the " Duh" thread. -
@unknownuser said:
I'm pretty much a NOOBwhen it comes to technical stuff like this, I did a search for 'File_ModelFunctionBat.rb', 'SearchPath.txt', 'ModelFunction' also did visual search in plugins folder, and since nothing comes up, how can I restore this path???
As far as the faulty code, and what is running to get this, the best I can do is shrug my shoulders and say " I Dunno"
The Plugins folder that your version of Sketchup is using must contain a file called 'File_ModelFunctionBat.rb' to be generating the error
You don't need to do a special 'search'.
Open that Plugins folder in Windows, use view by name, and as a details list, it should be there [ensure that your Folder Options display ALL file-types, so the .rb end shows up].
Double-check that you are looking in the correct folder!
Scripts do also load from the Tools folder, BUT you should not have any additional files in there that have not been installed by Sketchup as part of it's standard installation setup.
Look in there for that rogue script too.
If you still can't find it type this into the Ruby Console$LOAD_PATH
it return the paths of the folders used to load scripts; it should show the Plugins and Tools folder paths [double-check that you are looking in these folders], if it shows other paths look there too - so third party tools can add paths to the$LOAD_PATH
.......You don't normally get error messages in the Ruby Console unless you have just activated a tool, or a running tool has got to a situation which causes it an error.
What do you do immediately before the errors you posted appear ??? -
Another thought... does your Plugins folder window have a button on it saying something like 'Compatibility Files' - if so you probably don't have the full-permissions you need to change the Plugins folder's contents. Click it and see what it says...
I recommend that you make yourself an Administrator under the User panel.
Also set the Plugins folder's right-click > Properties > Security > Edit settings [for yourself] to be 'full' [==all_ticked], also do this for the Components, Scenes and Materials folders, which can all need your access/changes from time to time...
Not saying this IS the issue... but it won't help! -
TIG, Thanks for putting up with me, I hit SU icon in taskbar, SU comes up with this.
Typed in as you suggested in ruby console see below, and also clip from plugins folder if the section where the 'File_ModelFunctionBat.rb' should be.
@tig said:
The purpose of this thread is to explain how to extract files and subfolders of helper-files [with their contents intact] into the Plugins folder...
You don't usually need to 'load them from the console', unless they are/were not in the Plugins folder at start-up.
Any .rb/.rbs file in the Plugins folder will be auto-loaded into Sketchup when it [re]starts.
Have you read all of the 'usage notes' of the problem these tools?
Some tools come as 'Extensions' which usually need a first-time activation from the Preferences dialog ...
While many such tools appear in the Plugins menu, some appear in other menus like Draw or Tools.
Some tools work just from a toolbar, which will need activating from View>Toolbars...
Some tools are context-sensitive and only appear in the right-click context-menu when you have appropriate things selected - e.g. a tool that only works on a component might not appear in the menu if there is not a component selected [AND 'SketchyFFD' needs one Group to be selected before it appears in the context-menu!!!].
A few tools only work by typing their commands into the Ruby Console, and some other 'scripts' appear to do nothing at all on their own, but they do provide support to allow other scripts to do their stuff [e.g. progressbar.rb or deBabelizer.rb]...........All right chill out, I've know how to check extensions and menu's lol
Which thread should I use for a guide to installing the plug ins then please -
For someone who knows 'how to do everything' you seem sadly lacking in some basic concepts.
IF you [re]read my posts, and some other nearby posts, you would realize there is really no 'magic' to 'installing' Plugins.
You certainly don't need to do any code in the Console etc for what you are trying to do...As I wrote:-
For a simple tool... just put its .rb file in the Plugins folder and restart Sketchup to auto-load the script. Where you then find the tool, and how you use it depends on the design of the tool and what its individual usage notes say...
For a more complex tool... the usual format is that it arrives inside a zipped archive; containing a .rb 'loader' file and several support files, which are usually in a subfolder [where they should remain when the extracted set is then moved into the Plugins folder].The problem example you gave of SketchyFFD is the simplest to install... it's a single .rb file that you put into the Plugins folder. On a restart of Sketchup, if you first select a Group then the SketchyFFD menu item appears in the right-click context-menu...
If you have failed to do this simplest of installs, then it might be that you have not understood the setup of your system properly...
MAC plugins go into the Macintosh HD [Root] level ...Library... Plugins folder, and NEVER the ...User...Plugins folder.
This IS explained clearly in this thread, and also elsewhere quite frequently!
To find out exactly where YOUR plugins folder is... paste this text into the Ruby Console (+<enter>)
It will return the full-path to the Plugins folder you should use...
Find it!
[Also learn to read more than a few lines of help, and let it sink in!]
If you are using SketchUp 8 M2 (latest version) you can use this utility to install .rb and .zip plugins. (In addition to .zip) It will place the files in the correct location.
The culprit file is named:
(... note that the filename begins with an underscore character, and may be listed at the top of the folder.)
It is NEVER a good idea, to copy OLD plugins, from PREVIOUS versions, into a NEW version's "Plugins" folder EN MASSE.
Copy one at a time. Test it. Try the next one, etc.But it's best to check if the plugin author has updated the plugin for the new Sketchup version, first.
Hello experts.
I have read your instructions and tried all the ways that have been suggested; I have cut and pasted the individual file from the google site, I have copied the zipped file and extracted it directly within the plugins folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Plugins), I have moved the file rather than copying it. I have deleted the previous files before copying them over. I do not have SU 8 loaded while doing this (I have even uninstalled skecthup and then reinstalled it!). And each time it comes up with: Error Loading File parametric_grid.rb no such file to load -- ./parametric.rb
I have also tried different files from different sources.
What on earth is the problem? Just how idiotic am I being?
It wouldn't be that I have a 64 bit Win 6 installed would it?
Any pointers will be hopeful for me.
Looks to me as if you haven't installed parametric.rb.
@dave r said:
Looks to me as if you haven't installed parametric.rb.
Sorry if Isounded annoyed on the last post.
That is indeedy indeed the file I am trying to install (parametric.rb). I have just tried using the installer, (thank you ThomThom) - which works for other .rb files - and SU still refuses to see the parametric.rb for some reason.
I bet it'll start working randomly, but for now, I'm getting a little frustrated, as I need to use the Soap Skin plugin, and it won't work without the parametric.rb file in there too.
Me thinkings a fresh install of the whole lot again is needed.
I sent you a PM.
SoapSKinBubble doesn't need Parametric.rb - pretty sure I didn't need it. Nor is it specified on their website.
Sounds there might be some other issue in your plugins folder...