Animation with time overlay
Hey Y'all,
I want to animate a scene of moving shadows (changing scenes with different times and dates) with a text overlay of the current time and date somewhere in the scene.This is so simple it would of have to be of done at some point. I guess a method that wouldn't take very long for short scenes would be to create text labels on certain layers, making the appropriate labels containing the time and date and associate with each scene.. However for the animation I'm doing there are loooaaads of scenes and a tidy shortcutting script would be preferable over stupendous numbers of layers..
Whachy'all reckon? Anything already in existence perhaps?
Dan -
@dansphere said:
Hey Y'all,
I want to animate a scene of moving shadows (changing scenes with different times and dates) with a text overlay of the current time and date somewhere in the scene.This is so simple it would of have to be of done at some point. I guess a method that wouldn't take very long for short scenes would be to create text labels on certain layers, making the appropriate labels containing the time and date and associate with each scene.. However for the animation I'm doing there are loooaaads of scenes and a tidy shortcutting script would be preferable over stupendous numbers of layers..
Whachy'all reckon? Anything already in existence perhaps?
DanHave you not read any recent posts ?
This from this morning deals with this very topic... -
Thanks, this smustard 'Time.rb' script doesn't work on Mac it seems.. Not SketchUp Mac version 8 or 7 I just tested it.
Only on windows it seems, anyone got a fix for this?Dan
Hi Daniel,
I would really suppose it is some user error. The author (also actively present here) is actually on a Mac so he would've noticed I am sure.
It's not a user error thank you very much. I've already had a reply from the creator and an update is required in the v1.3 plugin.
@dansphere said:
It's not a user error thank you very much. I've already had a reply from the creator and an update is required in the v1.3 plugin.
DanI presume you mean TBD has said he is updating it for MAC compatibility ?