SDS2 doodles
Have the Ruby Gurus had a shot at disabling snapping? Or does the API not allow programmers to change core processes. (probably a dumb question from a non-programmer) -
Maybe so, we must have a key for enabling disabling snapping. It can't work otherwise.
Wow, Guess I must have offended all the fine artist judging by the responses to my post. Sorry fellow geniuses.>_<
@michaliszissiou said:
Maybe so, we must have a key for enabling disabling snapping. It can't work otherwise.
I think what you mean to say is "I can't make it work for projects I want to complete, otherwise." I have no problem making Artisan and SketchUp do what I need it to do.
I mean that I have a problem related with SU snapping methods. I always had. In fact when sculpting I don't need snapping at all.
@michaliszissiou said:
I mean that I have a problem related with SU snapping methods. I always had. In fact when sculpting I don't need snapping at all.
I keep reading the thread's title as "SDS2 noodles". Yummy...
i am salivating with this artisan.
Awesome work! I never figured out how to use SDS1 properly, maybe I'll give it another shot when this second comes out hehe
Any ideas of how much will the plugin cost? -
@andretbms said:
Any ideas of how much will the plugin cost?