Teaching SU to a student - Lesson Plan?
Hi guys,
I've been asked to do some basic SU one-on-one tuition to a student who is studyign towards an Interior Degree. The person wants to master to basics to help with space planning, furniture design and eventually the final scheme.
I'm really excited, but want to make sure I get it right. Do any of you guys have experience with planning sessions such as this?
The student has a rudimentary knowledge of SU I believe, and obvioulsy, the first session will see where they are with their skills, but then I plan to do all the native tools, groups/components and continue at a pace they find suitable, hopefulyl working on the building that they have to model.
I have rolled out SU to the design team at my work, and taught them 'on the job' but this seems a different proposition.
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
Any Google ATC , like QuarrIT usually list the lesson plan for the 5 Google Essential courses
bottom of the page
I have taught SU to interior Design students for quite some time. (Does that make me a GURU?
) Would you like my outline that I used?
Rich, David, thanks ever so much for your replies.
Daivd, would love to have a look at your lesson outline. Thank-you.