WIP - Officers Tactical Battlepod (Glaug)
Looking good, how much is maxwell render these days for a student? On another note I used to have a model of this robot when I was little but I sat on it and the legs fell off, then i pulled the arms off to and pretended it was a spaceship instead haha, wondered why it was so familiar maybe its in my attic in an old box of crap I will look this weekend it might have some details on you can use.
Maxwell is 195 Euros currently for new student purchase... the nice thing is that covers any of the softwares they have plugins for at no extra charge -- and they have a ton of plugins (and more coming soon).
I never had this toy -- but I always liked the series and I'd like to do some epic battle renders at some point in the future... Any extra refference is appreciated
Jason. -
yes epic battle renders I would like to see!
I know this as the Marauder in Battletech (yup I know about the legal cases...what a mess)
Always been a favorite .. and in the free Mechwarrior 4 Mercs release, you get to drive it
very very nice workcan't wait to see more
Somebody asked to see the wires on the Maxwell forum so I thought I'd post them here too:
Jason. -
Thank-you both
A little progress on details:
Jason. -
I am working on a "Google Sketchup to Maxwell Render Workflow" series, which is the culmination of my last several series -- I did one on the free version of Sketchup and one on the Pro version of Sketchup and another on Maxwell Render... so now that I have all the basics out of the way I wanted to do something a bit more indepth and since I'm not an architect it didn't make sense for me to do a bunch of archviz scenes (I'll do a bit of that too).
If you'd like to see my video series they're all linked from here:
http://www.vtc.com/modules/products/authorInfo.php?author=360Here's the latest.
Jason. -
@jason_maranto said:
I am working on a "Google Sketchup to Maxwell Render Workflow" series, which is the culmination of my last several series (...)
Thanks for the info. Whenever I get I back into Maxwell, I'll make sure to check your tutorials out. They look quite interesting.
Man. .. it is so incredible what some of you guys can do with SU and how far you guys push the envelope. I've been using it for years, and I have still have trouble with hip roofs and windows cutting holes!
Thank-you, but don't feel bad -- this is what I do... if I had to do any real architectural work I would be exposed as a fraud very quickly
Here's the leg components more or less done -- the dome shape at the bottom is the beginning of the feet assembly which is next.
Jason. -
Hi Jason,
These are great
Is that BG part of maxwell? It's kinda SciFi, I like it
downloading 30 day maxell trial now apparently you can get it for Β£200 if you are a student and after seeing silver shadows blackhawk in it worth a try...
Rich, yep that is the default Maxwell "Physical Sky" straight out of the plugin -- you can customize that to achieve many differnt atmospheric effects but I'm not to the point yet where I am ready to worry about that... I'm getting close though
Liam, I'm sure with your texturing skills you will achieve fantastic results very quickly. The key with Maxwell is the materials and on that front you can watch a bunch of my Maxwell videos for free either on the VTC site linked above or on the Maxwell THINK! site (which is a tutorial repository) here:
I also did a very quick(about an hour) intro to the Sketchup Plugin here:
http://think.maxwellrender.com/first10steps.php?categoryFS=15They should help you get up and running very quickly.
Jason. -
Here's the legs with feet -- I had some cooler looking feet made that were a bit more faithful to the design but they could not achieve the articulation I wanted so I took some liberties to make them a bit more functional for moving. I may still do some tweaking but at this point I could consider them done...
I've rigged the legs to get them ready to do a bit of DC animation based posing functionality (just like I built into the arms). This will allow me to "pose" each leg individually with just a click -- a very handy thing when you have a army of these guys
I'm still working on this between some other things -- here's all the parts together, at this point it is mostly little details and cleanup (as far as modelling).
Any chance of some SU output?
Sure Rich, here's a shot from Sketchup... I'll make the model available to anybody who wants it after I'm done.
Thanks Jason
I always like to see SU output on SCF. It deserves be shown IMO.
I'm playing with the idea of using some sort of metallic finish as the base for most of this -- as opposed to the standard military matte-finish drab paint... the basic idea was to "sex" it up a bit and show off the curves a bit (the same reason they paint cars in metallic flake paint).
Any thoughts?
ooh. add some panel lines for "Factory Finish" .... or like that put it on a Desk as a toy