How to delete undead human figure
Attached (I hope) is my first model. In the corner of one of the display windows is the outline of a human figure. I have deleted him any number of times, and he keeps coming back. How do I kill him for good?Evangelines Model 11.skp
This cool guy is "Sang". He is part of the SketchUp team and his job is to be the scale for an average person's height. If you don't need him, you'd better choose a template without him (in preferences) or you open an empty file, delete him, then window -> model info -> statistics -> purge unused and then file -> save as template.
It seems that you tried to get rid of him with the "explode" command. In SketchUp, "explode" does not mean delete, but to decompose a group/component into its primitives (edges). Thus Sang merged with the walls of your building. Best is to turn on hidden geometry (view -> hidden geometry) and then delete the hidden lines that you don't want. His remains are contained in all three groups of your model.
Well I don't know exactly what you did with that figure, but a quick way is just to pic the translucent colour of the windows with the eyedropper and then paint the white silhouette.
I thought we had a for real haunting. hmmm
Massimo, Aerilius: Thanks. Model is "fixed," and I know what not to do next time. J