[Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
@didier bur said:
Several users reported such a weird behaviour of sliders.
I'm still wondering why this happens sometimes.
Please post here what your OS is, what web browser do you use, what version of Javascript is installed on your machine.
Regards,I have had terrible problems getting consistency with sliders in webdialogs - what slider are you using ? I use 'tigra' [no connection!] and that seems the simplest and robust...
I don't see how French kids ever learn to spell
Hi Didier:
Any chance you could add a "Help" button to the toolbar which would open the PDF file?
Regards, John
@unknownuser said:
button to the toolbar which would open the PDF file
Why not, good idea.
@unknownuser said:
what slider are you using
@TIG: I'm using a custom slider programmed in js by K. Gilbert http://kegisiteweb.com/presentation.php. It's copyright free but rather old, that's maybe why it freezes under some specific configurations os/web browser/javascript version ?
It is in the JS folder in CompoSpray folder, and I've only added some trivial functions at the end of the file. -
"Plugin downloaded 12179 times" I just wanted to say thank you for all of your work. You and others here have made SU such a great tool.
Anyone else getting the error "Cannot place component on selection" when it is just a basic ground mesh and assigning using the "point" method?
I've huge problem with using this plugin. Properties of this plugins is quite high & I've wide screen display so I can't reach the accept button...
@rpinkham: maybe do you have some other faces hidden ? -
Thanks for the reply. There is no hidden geometry. It happens in a few locations in this larger scale site model... -
Are some faces reversed ? (apparently not on your screenshot, but still searching for a cause...)
The faces are all oriented correctly. I deleted the face and re-drew it with the same results.
Thanks for the update - looking forward to trying it out.
one tiny thing...
Searching the terms "component spray" and "compo spray"(without the quotes) on the Ruby Depot website via the link provided in the original post yeilds ZERO results.
"Your search - compo spray - did not match any documents. " (even if it claims to be a google search, I think the search is set up incorrectly somehow)Here's the link to the Compo Spray tool on the Ruby Depot website. (had to do a "real" google search specific to the site to find it.
http://modelisation.nancy.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=76(I didn't see the tiny "Discover it HERE" under the "blog post" on the Ruby Depot at first - which has the correct link)
C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas? -
@unknownuser said:
I think the search is set up incorrectly somehow
Hi Fletch,
Yes I know that, I must fix it for a long time
Note that even if the search return matches, these matches only direct you to the section, not the plugin page itself -
I also had the problem Compo Spray was not working. The reason was, it is actually included in the SFC Powerbar set (didn't notice that!). So you have to remove it from there first. Or use the Powebar one.
@t6nis said:
I also had the problem Compo Spray was not working. The reason was, it is actually included in the SFC Powerbar set (didn't notice that!). So you have to remove it from there first. Or use the Powebar one.
What is this SFC Powerbar?
Hi thomthom,
have a look here:
I tried to set up my plugins to be loaded from a custom folder so I could easily sync between multiple SketchUp versions and computers.
For the most of the plugins it went fine, but I got an error with Component Spray because it tries to load the language files from the SketchUp plugins folder instead of where the plugin is actually located.If you use
File.dirname( __FILE__ )
to get the path instead ofSketchup.find_support_file
then it would solve this and the plugin could be installed to any location the user wants.