[Plugin] Component Edit Window v1.3 12072011
Yes, thanks. Its currently written as:
name=cnt_instance.definition.name dir_name=File.dirname(model.path) comp_name=dir_name+"\\"+name+".skp" UI.openURL(comp_name)
If I stay with
:file_path_name = Sketchup.find_support_file("plugins") file_path_name=File.dirname(file_path_name)+"/SketchUp " system file_path_name+name+".skp"
Unless some compelling reason is deduced, in order to avoid confusion, and make the plugin easier to support, I will remove one of the version posted.
Pc only version posted above.
I noticed different toolbars in Component Editing Window. Is that a feature included in plugin? will have just custom selected toolbars in new opened window?
The component window will inherit the menus from the parent. I changed the menus in my presentation of the edit window to illustrate how the plugin functioned, in a small picture.
for your information, the makers of Podium have released a commercial plugin called EditinPlace that does exactly what yours does.
Great idea! I always keep a 2nd SU open for this reason. This should streamline it quite a bit. Thanks!
Definitely dabbling in the code to use existing components, or make them if they don't exist. First foray into ruby, I already dislike that it doesn't do much with curly braces and semicolons. I usually program C and PERL.
I just thought that it could be setup to save in a tree of folders, might make the code quite a bit longer, but might make saving components easy and finding them individually. Now to figure out how to only save the geometry in the components file and still load it into the trunk of the tree.
My ideas are getting far beyond my grasp of ruby and the API. I should keep it simple for a bit.
When I get somewhere with it would you like me to post it or send you the code for perusal/editing?
Post it in the Developers section, there you can get help from those who are truly gifted in SketchUp ruby, and the Api. Everything I have written, was with their help.
the plugin is missing in my index menu.
also, when i try to load the plugin via ruby console,
my ruby console puts the following:
load component_edit_window_v1.0.rb Error; #<SyntaxError; (eval);48; compile error (eval);48; no .<digit> floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot load component_edit_window_v1.0.rb ^ (eval);48; syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER load component_edit_window_v1.0.rb ^> (eval);48
i have su8 installed in the default location.
and i put the plugin into Plugins.thanks for any help.
You need to pass a string to 'load'
It's NOTload component_edit_window_v1.0.rb
BUTload 'component_edit_window_v1.0.rb'
To check the file really exists use this in the Ruby Console
if 'false' then 'there's a rabbit away'!If you have Vista or Win7 and don't have full permission to the subfolders within the Sketchup folder weird things can happen - you think you've added a file but the OS has actually put it into a side-folder - the 'Compatibility Files' issue... If this is the case look to see if there's a button of that name in the top window bars... Fix your permissions for all folders within the Sketchup folder so it doesn't recur...
twas indeed the permission issue.
both code snippets (load and file exist) put TRUE,
so now it works.
thanks alot!thats what i too call STREAMLINING!!
thanks a lot
you can now use this cool plugin by Sdmitch
Replace randomly components
(or not random if there is only one as source -
I've just tested the plugin on SU8 (win7 32bit) and it only works for groups, not components - the new SU window just doesn't load.
Any suggestions? -
It doesn't work for me
I tried to use it, but I get this error in console:Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
definition' for #Sketchup::Group:0xe7a4c58>
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/component_edit_window_v1.0.rb:61:inatelier_edit_instance' C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/component_edit_window_v1.0.rb:60:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/component_edit_window_v1.0.rb:60:inatelier_edit_instance' C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/component_edit_window_v1.0.rb:124 (eval):3:in
(eval):3:incall' (eval):1:in
C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/component_edit_window_v1.0.rb:61:incall' C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Google SketchUp 8/Plugins/component_edit_window_v1.0.rb:61
Edit the .rb file at lines #55-56 using Notepad or similar plain text editor
Changeall_instances=componentdefinition.instances if all_instances[0]==nil
to read
all_instances=**cnt_instance.definition**.instances if all_instances**.length==1**
this will avoid the potential glitch, which wrongly looks at the "model.defintions[0]" instances rather than the selected instance's definition's instances - and which might inadvertently throw up a 'group', which then won't have a ".definition" method in the API...
@tig said:
Edit the .rb file at lines #55-56 using Notepad or similar plain text editor
Thank you very much. All is fine.
We've decided to post an updated version of this useful tool.
It corrects a rare glitch reported the the recent post.
Get the updated version from here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=296715#p296715
As you probably know, sadly the script's author died a few weeks ago, he would have done it if he could