[Plugin] OBJexporter v3.0 20130131
@tig said:
Strange - might be a memory issue ?
Also the missing [but not fatal] '#EOF' in the MTL was puzzling as there were no error messages ???
If I get to the bottom of it I'll let you know.This is the second model it did this. The first one, I thought it was Sketchup because when I closed it, then file became complete. I don't remember which one it was! I know the file doesn't get closed because it has a write lock on it until you close Sketchup, even though the exporter is done without any errors!
I have a suggestion
Can you incorporate the fix reverse back face material in the exporter? Perhaps add a checkbox for that opton? Maybe it's faster to do it as it goes then using both plugins? I'm not the expert so I don't know.
Thanks TIG, your exporter is by far the best the way it is.
TIG, does your exporter use the object axis to orient the triangle? The reason I ask is, if I change the axis from blue up to blue down in a group, the triangle face is reversed when exported, and the ray/triangle test shows that it hit the backface when in fact it did not! Same happen with the SK obj exporter. Any idea? thanks.
Thanks TIG! I'm new at this (less than a week) but this is exactly what I'll need for my 1st project. I still haven't really grasped the why to choose "group -vs- component" strategies. Now, in an above reply, it seems you were adding a "when to or whether to" aspect, where exporting is concerned. Have I mis-understood you? Could you please clarify? Again THANKS for this awesome plug-in. -XLNTgraphix
Thank you so much, this plugin is very useful for me.
One more model that the texture does not export properly but it does with the skp obj exporter...
Beside that, you rock, so as your exporter, thank you.
Great work on the OBJ exporter
So if I understand correctly it is not possible to export quad polygons atm?Cheers
remon_v -
@remon_v said:
Great work on the OBJ exporter
So if I understand correctly it is not possible to export quad polygons atm?Cheers
No, all faces are 'triangulated' - which is a requirement for many renderers anyway... -
Yes true, for Octane it is. Why I'm asking is because I want to intrigate SU in my Workflow for architectural modeling. So I want to model the basics in SU and export to Modo, add the organic stuff and render. I just tried accutrans to detriangulate, but it doesn't work for a 100%.
Of course the built-in OBJ-exporter in Sketchup Pro lets you specify triangulation or NOT...
Why not get the time limited version and use it for just that [you can run versions in parallel] - the improvements in v8 makes it worth upgrading anyway...
My tool is intended for those 'Free' users who want some OBJ-export capability - but limiting it to triangulation and meters is the price you [don't] pay...
I normally export as .X with a similar plugin. I ask: will this make 2k texture image files if you're whole 20k face model is UV Mapped almost completely with projected textures?
If the textures are simply positioned or rotated/scaled one image-file is used for all versions and adjusted within the OBJ code itself, but with distorted/skewed textures passing the 4 required vertex-normals to a 3-vertexed triangle-face is awkward [impossible?] - this tool and the Pro OBJ-exporter make separate image-files for each face with such a distorted textured material. The Pro version does 'reuse' some image-files that have the exact same distortion, but my exporter does not [it makes one image-file for every distorted texture]... SO if you have a complex set of faces with skewed textures you will get a lot of image-files exported...
Love it! This is the best I've seen yet!
hello.thank goodness for clever people
Works perfectly for me, thankyou so much for this plug-in!
I use this plugin a lot. Thank you tig so much. The only other solution is to use SU pro just for the obj exporter.
Colada with all the tricks isn't that good.
I use to export obj to lot of apps.
What is happening, and lot of apps confirm it is that this plugin exports double vertices.
Impossible to handle them in zbrush or 3dcoat or elsewhere as it is.
What I do is to import in blender / edit mode / delete doubles.Or for a perfect export:
I use the remove inner faces plugin first of all.
Export to blender / remove doubles / recalculate normals outside. (for this last one, inner faces or better non-manifolds shouldn't exist)Textures? Let's forget it, actually I don't need them as going for UV decent mapping.
So a question, why double vertices? Is it a double faces SU textures-related problem? Is it possible to have a check to avoid them?
My guess is that the vertices are not welded.
Which means that the faces are not attached to each other(big problem in Z-brush).. It is probably not a bug (like having doublettes of vertices), but rather that each face need it's own vertices.
For ex 2 faces on a cube will share vertexpositions, but not being welded.Haven't used this OBJ.exporter. But, I am using Octaine-exporter and havent seen any issues regarding that. Wonder if thoose 2 plugins use the same alogaritm?
@jolran said:
My guess is that the vertices are not welded.
Which means that the faces are not attached to each other(big problem in Z-brush).. It is probably not a bug (like having doublettes of vertices), but rather that each face need it's own vertices.
For ex 2 faces on a cube will share vertexpositions, but not being welded.Haven't used this OBJ.exporter. But, I am using Octaine-exporter and havent seen any issues regarding that. Wonder if thoose 2 plugins use the same alogaritm?
They do use the same algorithms - I wrote both of them -
@unknownuser said:
My guess is that the vertices are not welded.
Exactly. I checked it. When removing double vertices in blender they become welded.
Here a simple skp and the exported tt.obj, a welded in blender obj and a converted to quads one.Same not welded issue is happening to collada exports too (1.4)
For compatibility with zbrush, use these parameters under import palette.
My wish could be this:
Close holes (make mess waterproof) / Remove innerfaces(non manifolds) / weld vertices / export obj
No SU textures / UVs.
I can do this manually of course.
@unknownuser said:
They do use the same algorithms - I wrote both of them
Yeah I know. And if I may add, Octaine render export works very well.
At least for my needs. Used it all week without any issues.@unknownuser said:
For compatibility with zbrush, use these parameters under import palette.
I haven't had any need to use Z-brush for a while but this will come in handy.
@unknownuser said:
weld vertices
Sketchup API is a bit restrictive regarding handling of vertices. There is no weld-option of what I can think of. Which means one would have to restructure the whole code to fix a thing like that. I think there was a weld-plugin at smustard if I'm not misstaken.
I would not mind having some code for welding vertices myself -
Just use blender. No need lo learn anything. Just import the obj/edit mode/[W key]/delete double vertices. exit edit mode and export. This will weld all vertices automatically. It's also useful to convert objs to 3ds for nice SU import.
To eliminate non manifolds/inner faces is more difficult. The ruby plugin works in most cases.