Convert Pixel values to Co-ordinates
I'm trying to convert pixel values from the screen to the co-ordinates in sketchup. I can so far find the plane that the camera is in and the two vectors that define the plane. I also know the pixel values for the four corners of the viewing area, but can't work out how to link these to allow me to link the input of from the pixels. The co-ordinates will be plotted a plane which is parallel to the plane of the camera but shifted by an arbitrary amount using the normal vector. Any help would be much appreciated.
[i read your post once so i might not be fully understanding yet but..]
maybe model just entering the coordinates as your base units?
pixel dimensions are 675x1200
draw a rectangle 675x1200 units (inches, mm, feet, etc)
scale to proper size if needed[edit - that said, what are you trying to achieve? there may be a better way to go about doing it?]
What im trying to achieve to to draw a line between two pixels that are inputted and for there to be a line on sketchup between the points that these correspond to in the view.
Rather than reinvent the wheel look for this script
Name : BMVB.rb
Description : Draws a face that covers precisely current view
Menu Item : Plugins\BringMyViewBack
Author : Tomasz Marek
The Bring My View Back plugin worked with a few tweaks, thanks so much.