Making a curved viaduct
Evening chaps,
Just wondering how you people would go about modellign a curved viaduct. A bit like this:
Could i make one of the arches and then use a plug-in (component stringer?) to copy it along a curved path??
Thanks guys.
It depends on the curvature of the viaduct. If it is a circle segment, sure a simple radial array would do it (as the components could remain the same).
Probably not a circle to be honest.
Would it be a case of 'filling in' the gaps between the arch components bit faces.
In fact, mighn't a better way to be sonstruct the whole viaduct in one straight segment, then use Fredo's radial bend to get the angles?
Yes, you can do that, too. If it is an irregular curve, it should be easy to model it straight from components and then bend the whole thing.
Instead of component stringer, Shape Bender would be the one to use. You would just model the arch section (perfectly straight) then make as many copies of it as you need in a row, all a single component. The use shape bender to bend that straight viaduct into the curvy shape you want.
But Fredo's radial bending also works super well. It might be just the thing in this case.
Unless there is something I missed in using Fredobend, I don't think you can bend accurately to a precise destination. Here is where Chris' Shape Bender might be the tool of choice.
Thanks for the extra input, chaps.
@mitcorb said:
Unless there is something I missed in using Fredobend, I don't think you can bend accurately to a precise destination. Here is where Chris' Shape Bender might be the tool of choice.
I've bent to pretty accurate locations. I set up a reference line, and always picked the same points when selecting the geometry (I had a large model and had to break it up otherwise my machine would crash). After selecting my components I would enter the same numbers into the dialog, and repeated this 6-10 times depending on the model. If I remember I had to enter 2* the angle that I wanted to bend to... to figure out the numbers I needed I did some pre-test bending of box components using my reference line, with a locked reference curve as a guide.
you can made this without any plugins!!!
@leedeetee said:
@deaneau said:
like this?
Very similar indeed. Cheers mate.
I've done my viaduct, but, whenever I come to either Radial bend it (fredo) or Shape Bender it (Chris) the photo textures of the arches gets totally messed up. Is there a way round this, or do I have to bite the bullet and use a generic tiled texture for the viaduct walls?