[Plugin] Skelion (solar, shadows)
@hampson said:
Anyway, my main question regarding the plugin is how do I get it to maximise the full area when laying down solar panels?...
Maybe with this video you will be able to understand better how plugin works inserting components.
A new version (skelion_v504) has been released.
Now you can pile up components in same row and distribute rows in same grid with "rows alignment". A user's guide has been added too.Sun path chart plots has been added as free features to the plugin:
Just purchased the Pro version but would be helpful to have a better tutorial... having lots of trouble figuring it out.
For mac users:
Safari 5.1.7 turns black the text boxes of plugin dialogs.
Read this thread to solve the problem:
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=45382&hilit=black+webdialog&start=15 -
I have been using this plugin now for several months. It has changed the way I do PV system modeling. I now start every project in Sketchup with Skelion and then go to my cad program to finish the customer presentation. On some projects, I have created the entire presentation in Sketchup/Skelion.
What I like best about working with Skelion, is the ability to set the start time and stop time on any date for the shading from row to row and having the row spacing automatically calculated by Skelion. I have redone several system layouts with Skelion and been able to get more modules on a site then my previous calcs allowed.
I also love the speed at which I can complete a layout and then render it for a client in either jpeg or animation. This program has cut that time by leaps and bounds. For a ground mount where no building must be drawn I can create utility scale layouts in minutes. For projects where a structure must be created, the module layout is now the easiest part of the job. The simple rooftop layout shown in the attached file took 5 minutes and I know the row spacing is correct without doing the math. I've verified several layouts from skelion in other shading analysis programs and just by doing the math and the accuracy is excellent.
Figuring out the Skelion interface didn't take too long with the help of Juan Pons(the creator of Skelion)since he is so quick to reply to emails. He even added some features I requested in one of my emails. Of course a detailed manual would be great and I'm sure once the number of users gets high enough to warrant a redo Juan will do that. If you are a PV designer Sketchup is an excellent tool for Shading analysis. With the Skelion plugin added it can't be beat. I love it.
C3 Solar Design
Maybe I'm missing something in setting up the component, but I've got a big project coming up that we might be using Zilla Cobra ( http://www.zillarac.com/Portals/0/Documents/PDF/systems/ZillaCobra_Specs_0512.pdf ) racking for. I built a component of a 280W panel attached to a single Cobra unit, and when I went to use it with Skelion, I couldn't figure out a way to get to it happily match up at the fixed spacing. (Cobra links together in columns, rather than rows.)
I have been using your pro version for quite a while now, it is fantastic! I just wanted to thank you for an affordable time saver... I noticed on your new website it says the 3d model can be exported into PVSYST. Is there any instructions on that... That would be soooo helpful. PVsyst modeling is quite cumbersome!
Thanks again,
Bently -
PVSYST exporter is not yest in manual but you can export pressing pvsyst icon:
Buildings does not project shadows over solar panels. They are working to fix that. But size and position of solar panels are right. -
My latest job:
About 100 kWp -
I have been using Skelion pro for a few months and it is a great tool. lately the 'sunny area' (Moon icon) calculation tool doesn't seem to work. I normally check for shaded surfaces before laying out the panels.
could you please advise if there is a bug in the plug in or if there is detailed instructions on how to use the tool.
PVWatts is changing. There is a new version http://pvwattsbeta.nrel.gov/
that will replace the v1 and v2 versions soon. How do I update to point to the new PVWatts. Is this something I can do myself? Can you update and release a new version? -
I have just installed Skelion plugin V5.0.8 on my pc.
When i pick any button on Skelion toolbar, an empty window appeared on the screen, and I can't do anything.
Can anyone help me? -
@kaiyer said:
PVWatts is changing. There is a new version http://pvwattsbeta.nrel.gov/
that will replace the v1 and v2 versions soon. How do I update to point to the new PVWatts. Is this something I can do myself? Can you update and release a new version?No, you can not update yourself. You need to wait to for a new Skelion release.
You are talking of a beta PVWATTS. When it will be stable Skelion will change if it is necessary. -
Something doesn't seem to behave the way I expect it to work. The Space between panels [S] works well, but the "Stack Space [K]" leaves no space between panels. Also, I do not understand the use or meaning for "Stack components."
Note the lack of vertical space between panels in the attached image. This occurs with embedded panel profiles and with custom loaded panels in landscape or portrait orientation. I can't figure out if I am doing something wrong, or if this is the intended result. I just downloaded the V5.08 version.
Don't use stack components when coplanar. Stack components is used to insert rows with more than one panel when they have some tilt over the roof or ground.
I have sketchup 2013 and skelion-make 5.09. I am not able to get any tilt on the laid out panels and hence they are not spaced apart for shadowing. Am I missing something?
Sorry, there was an error in version a 5.0.9.
It was fixed. Download 5.1.0 and install it. -
Does not work now with Sketchup 2014. Is there an update other than 5.1.0? Danke.
5.1.l works but in windows there is a problem. You need to open SketchUp files dragging them over SketchUp shortcut. And to open SketchUp you can not click the shortcut, you need to pin up SketchUp in main windows bar.
It will be fixed soon. -
Hi. I still can't make it work in SU 2014. I put the plugin under C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins but there is always an error when it loads. You said it works in Windows but that there is a small problem. Can you please let me know how to fix it? Thanks Juantxo!