[Plugin] Silhouette to Plane v1.1
Thanks, TIG. Amazing script.
Does this plugin do the flatten to plane, or is that a separate plugin? I can't seem to find the command for flatten to plane. (Silhouette to Plane is working great)
Flatten to Plane:
Just to point out again what Adam already said, Silhouette to Workplane makes closing difficult outlines sooo easy. Brought back the faith in freehand tool to me.
Rocky, that is a pretty smart idea. I am having thoughts about this kind of matte painting tricks all the time.
(like here: http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=79&t=31069)thanks again for your generosity TIG!
When I click on the script's download button the #SilhoutteTpoPlane.rb downloads. I put the script in the plugins directory of SU8. When I open SU8 I get the following error:%(#FF0000)[Error Loading File #SilhouetteToPlane.rb
no such file to load -- #WorkPlane.rb]Should #WorkPlane.rb also have been downloaded?
Regards, John
@jclements said:
When I click on the script's download button the #SilhoutteTpoPlane.rb downloads. I put the script in the plugins directory of SU8. When I open SU8 I get the following error:%(#FF0000)[Error Loading File #SilhouetteToPlane.rb
no such file to load -- #WorkPlane.rb]Should #WorkPlane.rb also have been downloaded?
Regards, John
IF you had read the notes you'd see that you need 'WorkPlane.rb'... because you must first make and then select a 'WorkPlane' with your other parts you want to project - that's how it knows what plane to project its result on to... -
Working great as always
Thank U TIG
, it is great script for mechanic model favour, this plug-in shall mostly advance to project 3d model in STD plan,
but I found some error happen, when I test by simple cylinder ,which was rotated a bit from origin , there are 1 error time of total 4 time
I love this script , and hope it could been tune-up ,but I am begin to learn for SU plugin codding , shame to less helping
TIG, not sure if this is how you intended the script to work or not.
Using SU8. If I select a bunch of standalone geometry and a couple of groups, only the standalone geometry gets project to the working plane. Each group has to be selected individually to be projected.
@jclements said:
TIG, not sure if this is how you intended the script to work or not.
Using SU8. If I select a bunch of standalone geometry and a couple of groups, only the standalone geometry gets project to the working plane. Each group has to be selected individually to be projected.
Everything should project I'll check into it...
Do you get the same 'error' with components too ? -
Yes, the script works with SU8 and with components. However, the selection set seems to require that it include all of one type of geometry only, either: all loose geometry or all groups or all components.
Attached is the test .skp I used.
this could be extremely useful!! i will try it out later today! thanks Tig!
With SU2018 cause the SU crash.
Any plan to make this work in newer versions? Anyone know of an alternative? I could use this on a daily basis for my work.
This is an ancient free plugin...
What error rep0rts do you get in the Ruby Console when using it ?If it's something simple I could look at a fix - if it's more complex then... who's paying ?
I just tested it [with WorkPlane] in v2020 and it seemed to work OK ?
What's the issues you get ?