Night scene?
I'm trying to render a night scene with a simple box with one open side like a large window. Inside the box i place a area light. But it doesn't work has I was hoping! I want light spread out from the box and on the ground a little bit from the opening. But do I have to turn of the sun to get a dark environment around the box? If yes, how to turn off sun? Or is there another way to create a dark scene?
Preciate some help! Thanks!
Here's a scene I was testing some night lighting with. I used an invisible rectangle light in the windows and an omni in the box. Night lighting depends on a lot of things....render settings, glass material settings, light settings. Check some of my settings in the scene and see if that helps. Turn up the intensity of the window lights to get a brighter cast outside. The outer plane is to get cast on the wall and needs to have "affect reflection" turned off. You can do without the outer plane, but the wall will be totally dark. Also check the "shadow settings" in Sketchup.