Caleidos4D 2 Sketchup
Looks like there's a lot of my 'junk' in there...
I must assume that the original tools are getting loaded - I can't imagine that all of the tools have been cobbled together into one giant tool ???
It might be 'nice' if the author supplied a 'list' of all of the targeted tools with authors etc...
I've no objection in principal to a 3rd-party "toolbar" loading my tools as long as the original authorship is recognized... -
@tig said:
Looks like there's a lot of my 'junk' in there...
I must assume that the original tools are getting loaded - I can't imagine that all of the tools have been cobbled together into one giant tool ???
It might be 'nice' if the author supplied a 'list' of all of the targeted tools with authors etc...
I've no objection in principal to a 3rd-party "toolbar" loading my tools as long as the original authorship is recognized...Yes, is recognized i have only all of the tools have been cobbled together into one giant tool...
When I release the final plugin, i will get a list of plugins to be downloaded separately, with f links and names of the authors.
Without your plugins, my ribbon is running only the basic commands native sketchup
Caleidos, allowed me to test out the beta ribbon and since he in not a native English speaker, I just wanted to state clearly that his ribbon idea only calls existing plugins in your folder and no outside plugins are packaged with the ribbon, except one or two of his own. It's a clever idea and one that could potentially restore lost model space by organizing the plugins into categories of use. Having each user be able to customize it to fit their workflow would be a huge step forward out of toolbar hell!
can it be placed on a 2nd monitor?
@unknownuser said:
Without your plugins, my ribbon is running only the basic commands native sketchup
Trust me, that alone is enough to make MANY people VERY happy.
It is great that you made a system that loads plugins from other people, instead of including them in your product's download package. Thank you very much!
I'm excited to try it out,
@khai said:
can it be placed on a 2nd monitor?
Yes. It's a floating toolbar. Built off the foundation work of Mover 2 it's a web dialog utilizing javascript, css and html.
thank you for understand my good intentions
Good stuff!
Any way we (the various plugins authors) can make our plugin more accessible?
Like providing a list of methods to use for calling? An API?Can this system be customizable?
Ma Γ¨ fantastico vedere un lavoro rivoluzionario in italiano!
Grazie Caleidos4D grazie e speriamo di provarlo presto.
But it's great to see a revolutionary work in Italian!
Thanks Caleidos4D thanks and hope to try it soon.
David -
Will this run on a Mac? if so, we're glimpsing the future of a new version of SketchUp.
This looks and
and even a little
Jason. -
veramente un gran bel lavoro . . . soprattutto considerando che su questo forum di italiani che collaborano non se ne vedono molti !!!
grazie Compatrioti
Spero di rilasciare il prima possibile una versione definitiva
Compatriots thanks
I hope to release a final version as soon as possible
Hi there,
that looks great !
do you have any idea when your the plugin will be availabel
Uli -
I still have to fix some things, I hope to conclude soon, weather permitting
thomthom I thank you for giving me the codes for the calls Selector Toys -
Il tuo tool sembra incredibile, fa avvicinare sketchup a 3ds. Il menu gestisce diversi plugin aggiuntivi (ho visto un plug-in per le forme etc), se uno non li ha installati rimangono vuoti? le categorie sono editabili? grazie
ciao Pietro.
si, il tool ha solo le chiamate ai plugin, ma nel file .zip inserirΓ² tutta l'elenco dei plugin da scaricare a parte.Ho sempre creduto che le potenzialitΓ di sketchup fossero rese troppo dispersive per via dell'interfaccia disordinata.
Senza i plugin aggiuntivi, funzionano solamente i comandi base.
Per adesso, le categorie sono editabili a patto di avere delle basi di html, cio non toglie che in futuro questo limite possa venire superato
Hello Peter.
the tool calls only the plugins, but in. Zip file will put all the list of plugins to be downloaded separately.I have always believed that the potential for sketchup being made too dispersed by chaotic interface.
without extra plugins, they work only the basic commands.
For now, the categories are editable if you have basic html, the fact remains that in the future this limitation can be overcome
@unknownuser said:
grazie Compatrioti
Spero di rilasciare il prima possibile una versione definitiva
Compatriots thanks
I hope to release a final version as soon as possible
Thank you for sharing!