Need help on what to remove from plugins
Upon loading SU8 Pro I get the errors listed below. The last one seems to be associated with thomthom's plugins, but, as the attachment shows, I have those files.
(eval):6094: compile error
(eval):4921: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
if (n1.between? (n2 - interval), (n2 + interval))
Error Loading File cd_power_extension_m.rb
(eval):6094: compile error
(eval):4921: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
if (n1.between? (n2 - interval), (n2 + interval))
Error Loading File cd_power_m.rb
(eval):6094: compile error
(eval):4921: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
if (n1.between? (n2 - interval), (n2 + interval))
Error Loading File cutting_windows.rb
(eval):719: compile error
(eval):610: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting kEND
faces_and_heights[0].pushpull (faces_and_heights[1]), falseError Loading File tt_export.rb
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb
cutting_windows.rbSeems to be the ones with syntax errors.
The number indicates on which line the error occurs so if you wish you could open the file in a texteditor (like the free Notepad++) that can show line numbers and check it out.)For this one, check that the core.rb exists in the TT_Lib2 folder.
no such file to load -- TT_Lib2/core.rb -
The error occurs because the new version of Ruby shipped with v8 is less forgiving that v7 when it comes to passing arguments to methods.
Let's assume thatmy_method
needs two arguments, then in v7
my_method (123 / 4), 123
my_method((123 / 4), 123)
[the preferred way to keeps arguments inside ()]
will both work.
But in v8 the first version will fail with an error message because the first argument inside the () is taken as all of the arguments it is to pass to the method, and it then stumbles upon what is now seen as a misplaced comma etc and it trips an error.
The formatmy_method 123 / 4, 123
will still work, but it's best to keep all arguments 'parenthesized' [in ()] - in the future non() methods might even be 'deprecated' and not work at all. But sometimes () are inevitable if you are calculating values as you pass them and you need to dictate precedence in handling the values...
So...my_method**(**(123 / 4), 123**)**
will always work! -
Bob, have you downloaded the new powerbar version?
Thanks CadFather I had downloaded it but not installed it
Reloaded PowerBar and Selection Tools and now I get:
All is well.
Added tt_Lib2 and got rid of cuttingwindows.rb
In the process stumbled across a great plugin: ComponentPunch.
..nothing better than trouble!