Change attributes for scenes globally
I'm not sure Chris but I will try it. I dont think I have ever got this to work for me in any verison. I decided to stay with it this time and it has disappointed me again.
It has never not worked for me. Looks like user error, so if you're disappointed in probably shouldn't be the software
Seriously though, this is a feature I use all the time. I wonder if you are pressing buttons in the wrong order? Or maybe I just misunderstood what you are trying to accomplish?
It sounds like...
Problem Exists Between Computer And Chair...
I even have a premade Style that does this very thing - changes lots of things [if you want], but never the Camera!
I dont think I ever blamed the software and hope you did not infer that from my post. I'm one of the biggest promoters of SU inspite it's few short comings (and my many). I'm sure its user error thats why I'm making this post to become enlighten on how to achieve a solution. I am certain that someone else has run up against this. In the meantime I will search for a link to find someone who has had a similar experience and experiment with it more. The camera angle for each scene was not set where I wanted it. I didnt realise this until after all the layers were set. The layers are set to toggle on a layer of material from scene to scene in sequence. Now that I have all the layer set up I want to go back and change the camera angle to each scene to be what you see on my posted image. If this is not clear, once I get back to the office I'll post a link to the model.
Didn't you do a video at the previous Basecamp covering the setting of aspects of scene tabs to keep/change things ?
Can you post it here... -
Thanks TIG!
Link anyone?
Patience!, its only been 2 months.....
sorry about that, I totally forgot to post it. I presented in the Tips and Tricks session. I tihnk I presented first:
I got it to work nicely. Thanks again Chris for the insight.
Thanks Chris! I know you are busy.