A Thread for Fine Design
Dear Dale,
Let me prefer the first one
Concerning Alberti, Leo Battista (1404-1472)
This link, especially for collectors:De re ædificatoria libri decem
and these interesting articles about him (in french I'm sorry)
Lire Alberti aujourd'huisimon
PS: Thank you for the sculpture turorials +++
Simon. You always seem to be able to find the most interesting online documents
This caught my attention:
A practical, but at the same time whimsical little light you could really have some fun with.
And it took me to http://northernlighting.no/our-products/ a Norwegian Lighting company.
More whimsy:
But then the Pièce de résistance.
Does that not just make your day -
And we are off.....
I was just thinking that there are probably many forum members who have never actually used a rotary phone
Or sat transfixed by this...But because this is a thread on fine design, here are some vintage sweethearts. Bowden Spacelander Bicycle – Designed by Ben Bowden – 1946; Manufactured 1960
The Kit Kat Clock (Eyes and Tail move) 1932 by the California Clock Company
Please feel free to contribute -
I'm in . . .
The first car I remember riding in. . .my parents owned a 1959 Studebaker Lark. It was even this color.
Awesome car.
My Uncle had one of these. It was Pink and Grey, and your right, it was awesome.
Fine Design Spans Eras
Nice Bicycle, Nice carA little bumpy but anyway,
here a Maserati Indy (personal phone picts)
(all Maserati)simon
I've always wanted a Maserati. A tool to lose your license with
Richard Neutra
Kaufman House 1946Haus Rentsch 1964
Kramer House 1953
Another Retro Beauty
Case Study House #22
Pierre KoenigThe link between the above photos is there were taken by the father of Architectural Photography
Julius Shulman
http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/shulman/ -
Mine Furniture.
More images here:
http://www.beautifullife.info/interior-design/the-mine-furniture-by-mati-karmin/ -
I love that wood stove, but the baby carriage had that Rosemary's baby appeal
Then I looked inside it... -
Sometimes the finest designs just happen...
Now, normally that would be a hard act to follow.
Then i caught a glimpse of the work of Joseph Walsh http://www.josephwalshstudio.com/2011/index.php/homeI think Mr. Walsh says it all in the first paragraph:
Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter http://www.reiulframstadarkitekter.no/main.asp?menu=works&sortby=
Restaraunt and Service Center at the foot of Troll Wall in Norway
And another of their amazing projects.The National Tourist Route Trollstigen
Waking up can be a blast!
Defusable alarm clock http://nootropicdesign.com/defusableclock/?utm_source=projectlab&utm_medium=ad&utm_content=banner1&utm_campaign=projectlab -
Wave concrete bath by dade design http://www.dade-design.com/collections.php?lang=en
I saw this in the paper today...Nice idea, transparently and simply and appropriately executed, if not priced.
Code: Select all
[flash=500,405:1bacskxb]http://www.youtube.com/v/fssjMaPrSFw&list=UUt0T0jgdZmE5hm8c4yVMafg&index=5&feature=plcp[/flash:1bacskxb] -
Seems with that tub and sink set, you might not want to move too vigorously, or the water might slosh over the sides.
Concept from Electrolux Designlab http://www.electroluxdesignlab.com/
I was just playing with something similar after drilling the door handle holes out of 29 doors, I was left with these "Tinker toy" like wooden circles. I started playing with different ways of joining them into objects....
Then I found this. http://www.carwangallery.com/objects.phpAnd more of their work.