[Plugin] Export 2d with Alpha
Thomas, this is great. I use the transparent PNG format for most all of my work so I can do compositing.
A few weeks ago I had to make a 4' x 3' poster. Layout couldn't export the PNG because, I think because of the all the textures I had combined with the anti-aliasing of LayOut's export filter). My old workaround was to make all layers Black and then turn on color by layer to produce a black and white mask for an Alpha Channel but that doesn't work with textures that are comprised of transparent PNGs. Hopefully, this script will address these type of textures.
This could be script my workaround for transparent PNG's. I will give it a test.
Thank you !
[Edit] P.S. I am going to change the name, however, to "tt_eportPNG.rb" ... incase you come up with some other export options
Thomas, so far so good. I exported a 4,000 x 2,000 pix file no problem. I haven't tried using sketchy edge styles with it yet.
Q- Would it be possible to read the aspect ratio of the users model window and give that as an option in your dropdown list?
If you'd like a model to do tests with I can arrange to send one that could push the script to it's limits. Let me know.
@pixero said:
Was transparency there all along but the built in exporter couldn't handle it?
Added with the SU8 API.
@jclements said:
Q- Would it be possible to read the aspect ratio of the users model window and give that as an option in your dropdown list?
I can read the aspect ratio - but I can't make the values in the inputbox interactively change. I'd have to make a webdialog for that.
@jclements said:
If you'd like a model to do tests with I can arrange to send one that could push the script to it's limits. Let me know.
I really have no control over what it can export. It simply calls the SU API:
- so I'm not doing anything different from what SU does - because it's all SU. -
Master Thom Thom strikes again!
(a true gem)
now i know why the name: it's two of you!! thank you, thank you
Thomas, if you could just display the aspect ratio that would be helpful. I could manually enter values using a calculator.
Great! I needed something like this last week, how did you know?
Thanks for another useful plugin!
@jclements said:
Thomas, if you could just display the aspect ratio that would be helpful. I could manually enter values using a calculator.
I'll see what I can do. I am currently working on a system to make advanced inputboxes easier to make.
Thomas. Not urgent by any means.
Is there some way to separate shadows pass?
No - I have no control of how it's generated. As you see from the sample I posted the shadows even comes from the whole model, not just what is visible.
@thomthom said:
No - I have no control of how it's generated. As you see from the sample I posted the shadows even comes from the whole model, not just what is visible.
This can help for a shadow pass: http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/RubyLibraryDepot/download.php?file=displaytemplate.rb
And maybe a modification of my Shadow control script (http://www.pixero.com/downloads_sketchup.html) could be made to set everything not selected to: e.casts_shadows = false
Congratulations - one of the best for su 2d app
Hey, I did not see this, great plugin, thanks Thom!
Edit; to me, it does not export with transparent background... Nor does it export only the active context.
@gaieus said:
Edit; to me, it does not export with transparent background... Nor does it export only the active context.
What version of SU did you use?
Got a screencapture? -
Have I put something in the wrong spot or something cause when I go to view/export 2D the settings comes up but then it doesn't give me a file type to save it as?
@unknownuser said:
Have I put something in the wrong spot or something cause when I go to view/export 2D the settings comes up but then it doesn't give me a file type to save it as?
After the Settings window and you click OK you should get a File Dialog asking you what name to give the file. You must specify the file extension yourself.
@thomthom said:
After the Settings window and you click OK you should get a File Dialog asking you what name to give the file. You must specify the file extension yourself.
I know and it doesn't give me any file type to save it as at all.