Lines created when using intersect with model
I created a house model and used intersect with model to cut my walls to the roof for a vaulted ceiling. My question is how do I get rid of the cut lines created on the roof from the walls? Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
You can simply erase them with the
tool - make sure you are in the appropriate 'context' to do this...
Remember that you have three options withintersect
with model
= where the new lines appear in the current context [say the model or inside a group/component] and everything selected intersects with the model
with context
= where the new lines appear in the current context [say inside a group/component] and everything selected intersects with the entities in the current context[say a group/component].
= where the new lines appear in the current context [say inside the model or a group/component] and everything selected intersects with everything selected.
By using these combos you can limit what gets intersected. Then just erase unwanted intersection lines...
Using groups/components greatly helps the process... -
Maybe I used the wrong intersect method. The cut lines are on my wall layer and they are showing through the top of my roof. So when I go to delete them they delete the walls. Apparently, I have done something wrong
. I created the roof by using the follow me tool around an 18 inch overhang with the roof profile. I appreciate your helping me
Check what these 'lines' actually 'are' or 'are in' - Select one and then get Entity Info - if it says something other than an Edge you will need to edit its 'container'...
Probably the wall[s] are inside a component or a group - so edit the wall[s] 'container' by double clicking it. So other geometry isn't in the way you can use View > Component Edit > Hide Rest of Model to toggle it 'off' - now you can see what you are doing and inside the 'wall edit' you can now erase the unwanted lines. If the lines are also inside perhaps the 'roof' group then simply repeat this process, edit it and erase those unwanted edges too...
Tip 1: think carefully before intersecting as it can make many unwanted edges - also use groups and components and the various intersect options to control this better...
Tip 2: make all 'raw' geometry [edges and faces] on the default layer [EN=Layer0] and only use other layers for groups and component instances, to control their visibility - Unlike CAD Sketchup's layers do not separate geometry their only function is to control visibility. Otherwise it is possible to have edges and faces on various layers that are switched on/off and so you can't see some of them BUT they will still be 'connected' so moving or erasing something visible can affect things you can't see [erasing a visible edge will also erase the invisible face that relied on it] - hence it's highly recommended that you never mix your geometry's layers - but use layers wisely for controlling the visibility of only 'assembled' geometry in groups or component instances... -
TIG, thank you for the help. I think I screwed it up when I did the layers and grouping. Old CAD habits
Thanks again for your help. I'm sure I can get it to work now.