Smoothing a mesh?
I have downloaded a sculpture from the warehouse, but when I render the object I still can see the polys. How can I smooth it? I have another modell with the same subdivision and this looks very smooth. But I couldn't find the difference in the settings.
unsmoothed: anybody help?
I didn't download the models, but it could be that the geometry is hidden not softened. So this would cause the triangulated appearance.
Or if it's not group/component I think twilight will render it like you mention. But models from the warehouse aren't normally like that?
Hi jo-ke,
Here the geometry renders fine with TWL.
(btw: thanks for the link, did'nt know these beauties were hanging around in warehouse)
Could be a Twilight thing though. It once or twice happened to me with tubes extruded from circles. I then used the weld vertices checkbox in TWL material editor to fix this (although I dont fully understand how and why this works).
As always, a screenshot would be nice to understand more...beste Grüße
a. -
...wait a minute, is it not the "metal" texture in the model that might have confused you?
just changed the material and it renders fine as you see below.
(it says in the model text: "Here is an update of my sitting girl fully clothed in the metal texture.")
(haha, what does he or she mean by fully clothed anyway?)
no no, it wasn't the texture.
I've set a light and rendered it with the old texture and I took a new texture:
but it is still unsmoothed:
here's the other one with the same settings but this one looks much better. the subdivision is nearly the same
Hrm, there is something strange going on. I've rendered back and forth getting differnt results each time. I have downloades the model (rendered fine) changed the colour (rendered wrong), set a pointlight (rendered fine), selected the geometry (rendered wrong), et cetera.
Maybe its time to search the Twilight forum and get help from there...
You could try to weld the vertices and smooth your new material in Twilights material editor.
I've set it to 45 and it starts to take effect but it may not be the best setting as some of the detail may get washed out, or some of the harder edges may not get softened.
Ive attahced a couple of test renders so you can see the difference, 001 is wothout smoothing and 002 is with.
hopefully this could point you in the right direction
This was the solution!
Thank you very much