[REQ] Prefix Group/Component Names
is this possible: select several named group/components, e.g. group "A" and group "B", run the (wanted) ruby, enter a prefix e.g. "1_", and the group/components an renamed in "1_A" and "1_B" an so on.
thanks in advance.
chrisik -
Thanks dedmin - I knew I'd seen it somewhere
I thought I had done something on this... -
How about moving that into a fresh [plugin] thread?
yes it works for components but not for groups.
could the script be modified to work also for groups?
chrisik -
Here's a new version that renames selected instances' definitions and also groups, adding suffixes and/or prefixes (banding "prefix-"[,"-suffix"] >>> prefix-Compo[-suffix] - using "","-suffix" adds only a suffix): it now also lets you used wildcards in the 'prefix' either to wipe the name and give it an incrementing name (banding "*A-001" >>> A-001, A-002 etc), or to substitute text (banding "|CAT|Cat|"); a suffix can still be used in conjunction with wildcarded prefixes...bandingCompoNames.rb
thank you TIG.
works fine. -
:+1: :+1: