Adding texture to a spaceship model
Hi Gaieus,
Just what I needed!
Slight problem though, I manage to get my unique texture into Photoshop, edit it and save it. When I go back to my model in SU the texture hasn't changed - what should I do?
Thanks for your continued help.
Did you go through the right click > edit texture image from SU? To make sure what texture you are editing, right click on the face it is applied to > texture > edit... from there. It HAS to reload the image in SU (if not, this is a bug or something).
Also, have you set PS to be your default editor in your SU preferences as I suggested above?
Hi again,
Yup, it was me - sorry
I've managed to get things working now and have had little play with one of the textures. I think I may be OK to carry on with this project for the time being (thanks to you guys!).
I'm sure I'll be on again soon with something else which isn't working for me but for now - thanks.
Here's a little render I done showing my handy work(!) up to now.
So far looking good!
What renderer do you use? -
Hi Gaieus,
Thanks for your comments.
Looking OK-ish but very angular at present (how would I get around this?)
I'm using Podium which seems to do the job but it has a habbit of crashing.
Do you have any tips on adding backgrounds to scenes?
In SU, background images can be added as watermark under Window > Styles > In model > Edit. I don't know however how this would render in Podium (I doubt it would but who knows?). If a rendering plugin is capable of rendering background images, it is generally set in the plugin itself.
As for the angular look, you can experiment with Fredo's Round Corner plugin.
This would be something with rounded corners (hidden geometry on) and with a space background in SU:
Of course, for a rendering program, the best is if it is a spherical background as in that case the light comes from the whole image and the stars or such give reflections on the surface of a space ship. -
Unfortunately Podium doesn't display the water mark in rendering
Thanks for the tips and I'll give the round corner plugin a bash!
Not necessarily SU watermark. Cannot Podium insert a background image itself?
If not, you can still put them together in Photoshop.
Or use Fastone Photo Reziser 3 (free) it is less price than toshop
Just an update.
After messing about with Podium and adding textures to my ship here's what I have so far...
Any help, advice, offers or tips are greatly welcome.
I just want to try and animate it now
Thanks again for all your help.
And with some background image...
Hi Gaieus,
Good work!
All i need now are some enemy ships, some explosions and a sprinkling of asteroids.
It's looking good, I like the design.
I would round the edges as Gaieus mentioned in an earlier post.
For inspiration, another one
with Moment of inspirationby PaQ
(click images for zoom)