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Resize inputbox
I use a SU inputbox in my script with some predefined possibilities for the user.
for example:def dialog3() number_layers = 2 prompts3 = Array.new(number_layers) { |i| "Layer "+(i+=1).to_s} defaults3 = Array.new(number_layers) { |i| "--Select--"} list3 = [ "WFEX0001;Wall, external finishes - closing sub-element - blocks/stones - natural stone - breuksteen (09 cm) |WFEX0002;Wall, external finishes - closing sub-element - blocks/stones - concrete blocks - white (190x90x90) |WFEX0003;Wall, external finishes - closing sub-element - blocks/stones - concrete blocks - grey (190x90x90)", "THINS0001;Thermal insulation in cavity - blanket, batt - anorganic fiber - rock wool - hard (6 cm) |THINS0002;Thermal insulation in cavity - blanket, batt - anorganic fiber - rock wool - hard (10 cm) |THINS0003;Thermal insulation in cavity - blanket, batt - anorganic fiber - rock wool - hard (14 cm)"] d3 = UI.inputbox(prompts3,defaults3, list3, "Layers ") end
Because my list contains very long strings, SU automatically produces this ridiculously huge inputbox that won't even fit the screen. Does someone know how to resize it?
Unfortunately you can't resize a SUp inputbox - except by having strings that are the appropriate length !
You need a web-dialog to do that - but that's another matter...
hmm, i did some Java programming before, but that was a long time ago...
You don't need Java for webdialogs. Javascript on the other hand, and HTML + CSS.