[Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails to Lattice
Copyright 2010 (c), TIG
All Rights Reserved.
Takes a set of curves [Profiles/Rails/Both] and forms 'Lattice' groups.
The Lattice can be plain curve 'lines' only, i.e. a set of profiles,
rails or both, that you can use for other purposes later; or it can be
made as a 3D form offset by frame given width and depth, and pane inset,
you can also assign limited materials to the frame/pane for ease of
future selection/manipulation.Usage:
Run 'Extrude Edges by Rails to Lattice', from the Plugins Menu, or the
Extrusions Toolbar...
You are then prompted to pick 2/3/4 curves to be used in forming the
'Lattice' - a Profile, Rail1, Rail2 [this can be Rail1 again] and a
Melding-Profile [can be the Profile again] - please see EEbyRails for
more details on this...
A dialog then prompts you to choose 'from Profiles', 'from Rails',
'from Diagonals' or 'from Profiles/Rails' [i.e. default = full 'grid'].
Choose option: 'Cancel' exits, 'OK' continues.
If you chose Lattice 'from Profiles' or 'from Rails' or 'from Diagonals'
then the result can only be curves as lines: these are now made -
they are grouped to avoid intersecting with other geometry.
Note that the order in which you pick rail-1 and rail-2 determines the
direction of any 'diagonals' it will make.
If you chose a Lattice 'from Profiles/Rails' you are next prompted to
choose a 'form' for the Lattice - as 'Lines' or as '3D'.
Choose option: 'Cancel' exits, 'OK' continues...
If you chose 'Lines' then a set of curves as lines only are made,
the profiles and rails sets are individually grouped and grouped
separately so the do not intersect with each other or other geometry.
If you chose '3D' a dialog now asks for the 'Lattice Properties':
'Width' - default is 50mm/2" - this is the width centered on the
lines so it's effectively a 100mm/4" 'frame' overall where faces abut.
[if <=0 it defaults]
'Depth' - default is 50mm/2", this is measured 'in' from the face
[if==0 there is no 'depth', if <0 it defaults].
'Pane Inset' - the amount the pane is inset from the frame's top-face -
default is 25.mm/1 " [if ==0 there is no 'inset', if <0 it defaults;
it can never be more than the depth, and reverts to that if it is].
'Pane Thickness' - the thickness of the pane measured inset from the
pane's top face - default is 5mm/0.25" [if ==0 the pane is 'one sided'
(facing 'out'), if <0 it is 'outset', this -ve 'outset' cannot be > the
pane_inset, the pane_thickness is limited to the frame_depth-pane_inset].
It is best to give the pane a thickness if it is to be seen from both
sides and the lattice might be exported to a 3rd party renderer.
'Lattice Material' - default is <Default> - additional choices are 'Red',
'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Violet', 'Black', 'White' or 'Gray'.
'Pane Material' - default is <None>** - additional choices are <Default>,
"Glass"***, 'Red', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Violet',
'Black', 'White', 'Gray'.
**Note: if Pane Material == <None> then the faces that would form them
become 'holes' in the final lattice.
***The 'Glass' material will be made if it doesn't exist - it is colored
'bluish-light-gray' with 30% opacity.
A faced mesh is made [like EEbyRails] with triangulation to ensure that
any twisted shapes get 'faced'.
You are asked if you want to 'Reverse Faces' - Yes/No: important as the
mesh depth/insets etc are from the 'top', i.e. front face of the mesh.
If there are any 'Coplanar Edges' then they are highlighted and you can
choose to erase them Yes/No: removing them will result in some
non-triangular lattice panes.
The Faces' edges are now offset to suit, then pushpulled to suit and the
materials applied.
Note that faces too small to have a 'pane' are made 'solid'.
A closing dialog asks if you want to delete the originally selected
curves - Yes/No.Donations:
Are welcome [by PayPal], please use 'TIGdonations.htm' in the
../Plugins/TIGtools/ folder.
1.0 20100428 First release.
1.1 20100429 Glitches with display fixed, included 'offset.rb' updated
to latest version and trapped for a fail.
1.2 20100430 Minor tweaks to text for lingvo files. New ES=Defisto and
FR=DidierBur + Pilou. Flat faces at z=0 auto-reversed.
1.3 20100504 Offset now reworked and 'in class'. Pane has back_material.
1.4 20100506 'Diagonals' option added.
1.5 20100507 Glitch with Line only versions Grouping fixed.
1.6 20100517 All lingvo files updates - adjusted ES by Defisto.
1.7 20101023 Pane thickness option added and lingvos updated.
1.8 20101027 Missing db on 'Processing...' corrected.NOTE: the latest versions of these files is in the zipped set downloaded from here http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=217663#p217663
Excellent concept!
Some obvious considerations: I am just going to throw these out with no disrespect intended, just food for further thought?The profile of the lattice members will be rectangular.
Then, someone will ask if a circular or other section will be available, and this will be problematic for "pane-ing" the lattice.And then, Lattice Deformation? requiring gradient selection techniques.
And then, discussion might ensue regarding precision, and best practices scale factor of model.
And then the question, why doesn't Sketchup have built in selectable scale factors to avoid a lot of tedious side calculation. But that's for another thread.Thank you, again TIG.
Try EEbyRailsByFace - that lets you preselect a circular [or any-shape] flat-face to use in the 'lattice' section [rails/profiles only], but you must then repeat the mesh with EEbyRails to make the 'pane' skin...
This EEbyRailsToLattice tool is limited to pushpulling the faces, so 'square' forms it has to be...
Awesome, TIG!
Thank you!
I wish I could express in words what your efforts and generousity to this community means, TIG......
@utiler said:
I wish I could express in words what your efforts and generousity to this community means, TIG......
Well said...thanks TIG! -
this looks really really tasty!
thanks infinitely! gonna have a play now. man ive been waiting for something like this for quite a while!
The new paracloud modeler by TIG
Hehe, TIG, I also used it to make that same shape last night. It was very easy to do. But I noticed a few things. The extrude by face by rails that I tried first did not ever allow me to have the triangulation. It just cleaned it up automatically, or else never even put it in place - I'm not sure which.
But this lattice one did add the triangulation, but only if I chose to use a 3d shape. If I just did a line, then it never add the triangulation.
I wouldn't mind ALWAYS having the option to keep the triangulation.
Seriously awesome stuff TIG, keep it up!
@chris fullmer said:
Hehe, TIG, I also used it to make that same shape last night. It was very easy to do. But I noticed a few things. The extrude by face by rails that I tried first did not ever allow me to have the triangulation. It just cleaned it up automatically, or else never even put it in place - I'm not sure which.
But this lattice one did add the triangulation, but only if I chose to use a 3d shape. If I just did a line, then it never add the triangulation.
I wouldn't mind ALWAYS having the option to keep the triangulation.
Seriously awesome stuff TIG, keep it up!
ChrisTo get a full mesh that's triangulated use plain 'EEbyRails'.
When the mesh done don't smooth it etc.
Then you edit the mesh-group and select all, then deselect the edges [there are various tools to do this - I have my own but thomthom's selection-toys works well...].
Delete the faces - now you have the full mesh with triangles make from lines only...
The tool 'EEbyRailsToLattice' was written to do a 3D lattice or the profiles/rails rib-lines as simple separated curves - so you can use them for other things - like 'EEbyFace' using different profiles for different parts...
Tig, plugins excellent. Thank you very much for their continued contributions and new ideas.
The plugin works perfect.
I use latest version of sketchup in Spanish and windows XP sp3 in Spanish
Only I make two suggestions**a - You can place the panels and the Mesh into separate layer or different groups?
b - could change the names of the . lingvo, add a number.
It is easier to delete files that are not used*.example:
01 - extrudeEdgesByLoftEN-US.lingvo
02 - extrudeEdgesByLoftES.lingvo
03 - extrudeEdgesByLoftFA.lingvo
04 - extrudeEdgesByLoftFR.lingvo
05 - extrudeEdgesByLoftZH-CN.lingvo01 - extrudeEdgesByRailsEN-US.lingvo
02 - extrudeEdgesByRailsES.lingvo
03 - extrudeEdgesByRailsFA.lingvo
04 - extrudeEdgesByRailsFR.lingvo
05 - extrudeEdgesByRailsZH-CN.lingvo -
Here is the french lingvo file.
You're making great progress in french, just several typos were remaining
Best regards,
Thanks Didier, Pilou also just did one - I'll make a compilation of both...
New zipped set is now available [ http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=242239#p242239 ], with minor tweaks to text for lingvo files. New ES=Defisto and FR=DidierBur + Pilou. Flat faces at z=0 are now auto-reversed.
The script in the zipped set has been updated...
'Face.offset' is now reworked to be more robust and 'in class'
[i.e. nowoffset.rb
is not needed].
Panes now get the 'back_material'. -
You are prompted to erase coplanar edges if the faces can survive without triangulation divisions.
To ensure that you get 'flat' quad faces make sure that the profiles and rails are identical [perhaps copy them].
Here is one with the coplanar triangulation left in...This one had them erased before the lattice was made...