Shared layers?
After saving the file. Then reloading it - all the stuff I put on the shared layer is not gone!
whut whut whut??
Hm. I don't know, Thom. I hve a template set up with an already "prepared" layer that says "On every page" and which is shared and as I just tried, anything I put there is shared all across every page. Also, I made my "Default" layer shared just out of curiosity and anything drawn on that layer now appears everywhere, too.
Are you sure your title blocks are really on this shared layer? When you select your entities on this layer (the layer needs to be unlocked first), a small, blue dot appears before the layer name.
@gaieus said:
Are you sure your title blocks are really on this shared layer? When you select your entities on this layer (the layer needs to be unlocked first), a small, blue dot appears before the layer name.
Yes. And after saving and later opening the file the entities where missing.
Missing entities happened before as well.
I added some text to label some rooms - that was gone when I loaded the file later on. -
One thing to watch, which I fell foul of to start with, is that visibility is determined by the order of the layer stack. Items on the top layer may obscure items on lower layers, so your stuff may still be there. Try turning off the visibilty of the upper layers and check. Also it is easy to inadvertently put stuff on one of those lower layers.
If it helps, I have just 4 layers as follows:
USER CONTENT (mainly for text)
VIEWS (for the model views)
DWG TITLE (as the name suggests!)
ON EVERY PAGE (again as the name suggests, this is the shared layer for title panel etc)Also it helps enormously to lock layers after you have prepared them, as its all too easy to end up moving stuff by mistake.
Also I stopped using the 'vector' view of the model as it takes forever to regen.
Hope this helps
I created the shared layer on top of everything else. And there other layers where locked.
Now come on, Thom, time to upload a problematic file (although I understand that for you things may disappear when saving and closing)
Yea - I'll be uploading it when I get home.
...I have a sneaking suspicion that I will have a face-palm moment...
Well, I can't reproduce it. When I opened the file now, and drew on the shared layer I created last time it worked.
But I have no idea why some of the geometry disappeared.
Wasn't working then, works now. Of course...
(btw are .layout files standalone or does it require the .skp files inserted?)
.layout file can be without an skp file. In fact, it's a simple zip file (like kmz or skm files) and contains a bunch of xml files (that make up your pages and all) and if there is a model inserted, the skp file, too.
A good practice is to insert text from rtf files, too (no copy/paste but insert from the File menu). This will also make sure that your texts are contained as such files in the LO file should anything go wrong and you can extract them any time you want. Also, LO is supposed to keep the formatting of these rtf files (like lists for instance - that you cannot format in LO although I think you can in the Mac version).
A layer could disappear because something is in front of it, or if the layer inspector is hidden (the little eye in the Layers inspector). Things are also drawn in order on each layer, so right clicking items on a layer, you can "Arrange->" and move forward or backward in the drawing order. Also, if you group items on different layers, it will bring them to the front-most layer. If you select an entity, you'll see a little blue dot in the layers inspector to indicate what layer it's on.
Keep posting questions, because I'm sure there are other newbies that don't know but don't ask.