Undo And Keep (Kept) Selected
you can select then copy the geometry you want to keep (edit->copy)... then undo to erase.. then Paste in Place (edit->Paste In Place)
From my quick testing this happens already i.e. if you undo, your selection is unchanged.
ha remus..
i guess the request is rather unclear but i took it to mean something completely different than you did(along the lines of --- undo but don't delete any geometry that you have selected)
Perhaps a little more explanation would be in order...
Yes Remus! and Jeff thank you for picking up where I left off. I honestly did not even think about that.. it just came to me as I did this...
This of what is not being sought:
A potential moment based on confidence to decide whether or not to copy before executing a move. For instance, when using TIG's Extrude Edges by Vector and forgetting to shortcut or edit copy before extruding 'Extrude Edges by vector' selection lines..I'll have to undo. and redo the selecting. Thus, adding a moment of potential to start over completely selecting for not shortcut copying in the first place. Also, if undoing as you suggested, I would always have an extra step clicking the 'paste in place' command when I could have simply pressed the UNDO AND KEEP (KEPT IT) SELECTED button.Now it might slow SU down to automate your steps...wih this kinda button. As well, riding the clipboard bank. Cheers!! Thanks for responding!!
not to mention plugin commands that use the clipboard...but I don't know about how the clipboard or and alternative clipboard can be made.. or what..
ok,, no faces.. here...I'd hate to have the emoticons take me over.