Stop the snap?
Hello. I'm new to this program of course and I have this issue. I’m trying to draw a 2d face, but when any line comes within like 25ish degrees of any axes it parallels the line to it. This would be great if I was trying to draw a really simple shape but I’m not. The rotate option works ok but you shouldn’t have to keep doing that for every line <25 degrees off an axis. So how can you stop this? Appreciate the help.
Hi Calvin,
Indeed, sometimes, until you get used to it and exploit the strength of SU's "inference engine", it can be frustrating and hard to "fight against".
You will notice however that this inference changes by distance so what you cannot darw from a certain distance, if you scroll in, you can draw easier. Also, go to Window > Model info > Units and disable length and angle snapping in case you suspect those hinder in your work. Length snapping can be more annoying.
Hi. When I try the Window > Model info > Units disable thing nothing seems to change.
Well then it was not length or angle snapping but the "normal" (i.e. axis) snapping. You can only zoom closer to avoid it when not needed.
I can sympathize with you. On a project I'm working on, I'm battling the magenta 'perpendicular' inference with the red axis inference. In the view where I have to be, the two are very close. So zooming in really does nothing for me either. The only way for me to combat it is to orbit slightly to avoid this situation.
As I come from a CAD background, a wishlist item for me would be have a hotkey to turn on/off various inferences.
Once you get around the snapping stuff the rest of the program works really well and is easy to work with. Really the snap features are the only things I find negative about it. Is it possible they will be adding a simple on/off switch? If not likely could you point me in the direction of a suggestion area. I can't possibly be the only who finds this to be an inference.
Actually, as SU works (i.e. no split front/side/top windows and such), you would easily be lost in 3D space projected on your 2D screen.
Another way to help SU find out what you want is to hover over the inference you want to follow and when you get it, press the Shift key and keep it like that until you finish the operation. It will lock the inference in the desired direction and this automatically means that (pretty much) all other "interfering" inferences are "off".
I change my model axis constantly. Especially if I find that I am working just off axis and I run into inferencing problems. I would recommend ssetting up a hotkey for it (I use "u"). And it works very well. Then instead of fighting the inferencing, it works wih me.
Snaps are immutable.
However if you want to draw 'flat 2D forms then my 2D Tools Plugins might help. Wherever you are snapping to the result is force to be on a preset Z-plane...