20 Google Wave Invites
2 invitations for you. PM me
I don't like to bump threads but i read this article....
So for those interested i've got 20 invites to share so PM if you want one or two or three...
Does anyone actually use Google Wave?
Have 25 more invites, if anyone is interested; so about 30 total.
Last time I checked I had about 15+
I know Plot Paris started a public SCF wave but all is quiet these days. What about your Wave Jim?
I check wave about once a month.
I rarely if ever log into it.
But in the developers wave server, they just introduced a bot-addons area where you can find bots and stuff. So that mgiht start making Wave more interesting if it becomes easier to locate useful bots and addons. I have not looked into it yet though,
I've got a little widget in my windows toolbar that notifies me once I've got a new wave. its faster than e-mail, quite convenient.
I chat with my girlfriend quite regularly on wave. its pretty cool, because she can just write me a wave during the day. when I come home, I reply to it - and if she happens to be online, it turns into an instant messaging conversation...of course the true potential becomes obvious, once you use it with several people at a time. then its better than mailing, because everyone can contribute to the same document. and it is superior to chatting (e.g. Skype) because you can have one main document with all the gathered information and countless sub-conversations where you discuss the different points..
of course it needs some getting used to, to find your way through several parallel conversations.
but I think the technology is highly promising. -
I'm definitely interested in a G Wave invite if anyone still has one.
Done! It should be arriving shortly. I've only got 22 left if anyone needs one,
Oh nice, thank you Chris. I'll be looking for it.
I still have Google Wa... Oh wait, nevermind.
@unknownuser said:
Wave has not seen the user adoption we would have liked. We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product.
Well, I'm not entirely surprised. It was neat in some ways. But it still seems to me that much of they were so excited about, was really not that exciting. Real time cursor movement in a web browser......ooh, aah. Neat?, sure. Worth throwing millions of dollars into? Well, obviously not anymore. Thanks for the update Jim.
I failed to get to grips with it and found it clunky at times. Didn't Buzz replace this?
Wave was always really about the back-end technology. The web app was an attempt to show the capabilities of the technology, and the web app is what is being discontinued. The back-end technology will be integrated into other applications. It may already be being used in Buzz, Docs, etc.