Model this: Enrico bamboo cheese grater
lol wow... I only wish i could get a render as good as Reverse or Jeff's (or anyone's for that matter lol) but i don't think that'll be happening anytime soon.
I'd have posted it last night if i wasn't being sucha perfectionist (bottom face of the grater something no- one will likely ever see....), but when you have a 4 week old that is refusing to fall asleep and keeping you up with her what else are you going to do.
ahhh the joys of new parenthood,lol
what did you use to get the 'psuedo-clay' render, Jeff?
hey Mike.
congrats on the new family member!i used indigo renderer which works out especially well for this because it will render backfaces.. there's no way i would want to attempt adding a thickness to the metal just so i could have all front faces showing
@rev3rse said:
Can I post a new type of grater?
It has 4 different sides..
Modeling time: 2 minutesWhazzat? 2 minutes you say? Bump and transparency mapping + modeled top and bottom?
I dont even know where to start
.. I can make the box (no real challenge) but the grater is another story
Some nice (read=all) work here -
after more hours than i should have spent (though i learned alot on how to increase my efficiency) here is my rendition
there are only two things i dont like about it.
- i wasnt able to finish the bottom side of the grater,
- I wasn't able to blend the blades to the top surface of the grater (may try again later)
the rest of it though, I added a bit of detail, that you may not see unless you take the model apart or look really close at the wireframe model. so... here are my image shots and file
I welcome (and encourage) any and all comments and critiques
and here is the .skp for any who are interested.
again, any and all comments are welcome
I'm going to try and render this overnight, though I don't expect it to turn
Well better late than never. I just hacked together the wooden frame. Not to concerned about any help with that.I basically used the same technique as Dale with the follow me and then intersect with model. I used no plugins. I am just looking for some help with my poly count. And would like some advice with the follow me tool. When I use the follow me tool it seems to leave the rotated solid in pieces and not a circle any more. Is there any way to get around that?
Thanks to Solo for starting the model this threads.
And thanks to all who posted it was interesting how many different ways one could tackle this model.