Intersecting with model
Hello there. After i've tried 30 times to login into my account, i remain calm. So: I am working on a new 3D on SkethUp. I imported dwg file from Autocad, the plan is group, i've made under the plan a surface, i made a right click "intersect with model" iafter that i exploded the plan and i "intersected" again. Ok.... Aftar all of this, i have a really big problem. There are not all the surfaces intersected with that surface and is take very long time to make rectangular surfaces on the same lines to intersect them.
First of all escuse my english, second: i hope you understand my problem (there is a tool plugin something to fix this?) and the third thing: thank you very much and i am waiting vey quick the answer because i am in a rush. Thank you very much again. -
Its usually more reliable to use this script: on your line work rather than trying to intersect it with a plane.
Is the same thing ... like you see here:
@remus said:
Its usually more reliable to use this script: on your line work rather than trying to intersect it with a plane.
There are many reasons a CAD import won't split into obvious faces.
In no particular order...
The lines aren't all 'flat' - i.e. coplanar
There are 3rd party tools available to 'flatten' them...
Alternatively move the group of lines up in the Z(blue), drawn a big rectangle below them, use the Sandbox Drape Tool to drop the lines onto the new face, erase the old lines and the new face should contain a set of 'flat' lines - erase the outer edges you don't need...
Now if these don't face after selecting all and intersect with model try using a style that shows all vertices marked as 'ends' AND has a distinct line difference between profiles and other lines.... This makes it easier to see the unfaced lines and any 'gaps...
Zoom into any gaps and use Move Tool [with nothing initially selected] and move the wrong line ends to snap to their intended target...
If the gap is big then just try drawing a bit of new line in to close the gap...
My 2D Tools include an Adjust Tool that lets you select a target-line and wipe across any lines that have a gap and they are 'healed'...
Basically whatever you do to fix this you are trying to get closed loops of all lines so that they 'face'....