What is the name of this font?
Have you checked the Favorite Font thread...??
There's a lot of links to various font types... -
I'ts very close to "Architext"
http://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=2581 -
There are so many cool fonts out there but my problem with most is that they don't have unicode versions for non-English languages.
If this is close then do a search for 'Damned architect', it's one I use.
Why is it architects have the same hand writing? even my hand is forced to write that way now!
Try this;
Allows you to upload the font, to find it
Hope that helps.
Similarly you could try this: http://www.identifont.com/
used it successfully a couple of times.
Thanks everybody for your help - I never realized there were sooooo many fonts out there Fonts.com says "165,522 fonts available."
I did try http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ and http://www.identifont.com/ but did not find an exact match. I'll probably go with Pete's Damned Architect or Schema.
@d12dozr said:
Thanks everybody for your help - I never realized there were sooooo many fonts out there Fonts.com says "165,522 fonts available."
I did try http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ and http://www.identifont.com/ but did not find an exact match. I'll probably go with Pete's Damned Architect or Schema.
I looked at what I had, but it was not quite like yours and if you're just settling for something similar: I have used "Heavyhand" and "Mr. Hand". Both have a bolder stroke than the sample, but are more regular than Damned Architect. Then there's the overused "Tekton".
Try this one http://www.fonts4free.net/flux-font.html
Unfortunately only has CAPITAL letters ! -
Yes Tig, I agree. I think it's the "P" and the "R" that makes the match.
Perfect! And free to boot
Just for the record, I was trying to get it into DoubleCAD, so once I downloaded it I had to extract to my desktop, then copy to C:\Windows\Fonts and it was available once I restarted DoubleCAD.