Stairs Ruby?
Google didn't help me find the killer stairs Ruby I was looking for. Is there one?
There are also several 'old' stair rubies - see Didier's site,
there was also a Dynamic Stair on here somewhere... -
what kind of stair need to do?
In a section
Compensated -
See this:
Dynamic Component - not a Ruby
UK & International Versions Available
It may prove useful for your purposesRegards
Howard L'
@unknownuser said:
Dynamic Component - not a Ruby
It may prove useful for your purposes
Thanks, Howard. Looks good!
Here are couple of old stairmakers that I dug up.
Maybe someone can update but these work pretty well as is and are good in both SUV6 and V7.dtr
@martinrinehart said:
Google didn't help me find the killer stairs Ruby I was looking for. Is there one?
what about this? coming soon.....
regards stan