[Plugin] 2D Tools
[quote="Edson"]warning to mac users: in order for this pluging to open you must put it at USER\Libray\application support\google\google sketchup 7\plugins, not in the main plugins folder.
I'm new to forums (first post ever), so i'm not sure if i'm posting this question in the right place. I just downloaded TIG's 2Dtools to my Mac. I'm using the free version of Sketchup 8. I've got the tool bar up & it seems to have installed beautifully. I can't figure out how to edit my 2Dline style though. When i "right click" (on a mac "control" click, i'm thinking), nothing happens. Can anyone help? Thanks tonz - k
If you have a three button mouse [like all sane people] the right-click IS right-click.
If not... then it's probably whatever you need to do to get a context-menu...BUT you need to do that 'away from anything', otherwise Sketchup might suggest an alternative context-menu based on what's below the cursor...
So right-click [or whatever is the equivalent] when the cursor is not above anything...
You will need this for Line-Style AND Hatch-Patterns... -
Thanks, TIG.
I dug up my mouse and that did the trick! Thanks so much for your quick response! - K.Lynn
So I got to ask
Since your "extrude line by 2 clicks" does a much much better job
(no tessellation approach)
Why didnt you use that as the core of the "line thickness" plugin????BTW, I tried changing your pipealongpath to do what I need but everything I tried causes the plugin to just stop.
I can do the following from within your plugin context and plugin completes- add an unrelated face
- Rotate said face
- etc
But once I try to change "circleO" to "ngon" or even just rotate "circleO" 45 degrees
(in order to make a 4 sided pipe look like a square), the plugin just stops -
I just installed SU 2013,
Unfortunately I cant get 2D Tools to work because the Toolbar doesn't show up.
I tried to move all toolbars, mark them on and of - so far no result.
Any suggestions?
Uli -
Please update your User-Profile to include your OS, Version etc.
Help us to help you !Here are a few of the questions we might have reduced in length had we more info...
Did you install it into Version 2013?
Did you download it from the RBZ in the new PluginStore on SCF and then install it using the Preferences > Extensions > Install... button ?
Did you AutoInstall it from the SketchUcation Plugin Store dialog from within SketchUp itself
Did you download the ZIP version? If so did you extract it properly and add the loader rb etc and its subfolder of files. as explained in the tool's first post notes?
If you are on PC do you have FULL permissions to your Plugins folder? If not, and you did a manual install you might have not got them where you think, but in a VirtualStore [a Compatibility Files link in the WE Plugins folder window is an indicator]
If you are on MAC and did a manual install on v2013 you should put them into the User.../plugins folder. But with v8 the usual location is the HD.../plugins folder.
Have you got its menu items?
Have you got [and activated] its toolbar?
If you just can't see the toolbar in v2013 - although it shows in the list as checked==visible - then it's probably the v13M0 glitch... the toolbar has activated, but instead of appearing floating in the top left screen quadrant [as is the default] it is docked in the top-bar and stuck behind an existing toolbar. In this case drag off the other toolbar[s] and leave them floating. Try to drag off the 2dToolbar: if it's glued fast double-click it until it is loosened. When it's lose drag it so it's floating == problem-is-fixed. Now rearrange all of the affected toolbars as desired...
Are there any messages at startup OR in the Ruby Console later?
etc etc... -
Hello Tig,
thanks for your answer,
Sorry for not updating my Profil - i did it right away.Now:
SU Version2013 pro
OS Win XP ProfessianalIt tryed several methods of installation :
- download the new PluginStore,then install Preferences > Extensions > Install
result: no toolbars - download and install zip-file form skechucation Plugins
result: again no toolbars - download and install 2Dtools_53.rbz -file form skechucation Plugins
result: again no toolbars
The Toolbar shows in the list as checked==visible
I moved all toolbars so that they flowed
There is no hidden toolbar "2D tool"
There are no messages at startup OR in the Ruby Console
thanks for looking into it
Uli - download the new PluginStore,then install Preferences > Extensions > Install
Do you have a submenu?
Under Draw > 2d Tools...
Do the tools work from there?So your PC's 2d toolbar is shown as 'visible' but stays stubbornly unseen ?
On PC v2013 this usually means it's got docked behind another toolbar !To retest this on a PC I uninstalled the toolset etc and then reloaded.
Weirdly this time the toolbar didn't appear in the toolbars dropdown list, BUT it was checked in the dialog.
BUT it was not visible.
It was NOT somehow hidden below other toolbars either
Toggling its visibility off/on and restarting SketchUp didn't seem to work either.
It was still shown as visible in the toolbar dialog, but remained unseen.
I tried to 'Reset' it but that didn't help.
I then used the 'SketchUcation Plugin Manager' to Disable it [just the same as moving the loader '2d#.rb' out of the plugins folder].
Restarted SketchUp [obviously no toolset loaded].
Closed SketchUp.
Enabled the tool [just the same as moving the loader '2d#.rb' back into the plugins folder]
Restarted SketchUp - the menu was there, but no toolbar.
BUT on checking I found that the toolbar was now listed in the dialog AND the dropdown list... BUT it was now unchecked: I checked it an it appeared 'floating' as it ought !
All is normal again.
This is all very weirdSo now we have extra PAC glitches.
Sorry but it isn't this toolset per se, BUT rather an underlying v2013 toolbar glitch...
This needs fixing... -
Hello Tig,
thanks for your help - I appreciatejust do make sure this has no impact on the current problem:
I am working on PC, not MC. As far as I remember, there is no option in the skechucation tool to choose between Mc / PC download.I got the submenu, so I can work from there.
I tried to follow your suggestions, moving the '2d#.rb' back and forth, restarting , checking and unchecking - but the toolbars still don`t show up.greetings from here and again thanks for your help
Uli -
@atelierpaar said:
Hello Tig,
thanks for your help - I appreciatejust do make sure this has no impact on the current problem:
I am working on PC, not MC. As far as I remember, there is no option in the skechucation tool to choose between Mc / PC download.I got the submenu, so I can work from there.
I tried to follow your suggestions, moving the '2d#.rb' back and forth, restarting , checking and unchecking - but the toolbars still don`t show up.greetings from here and again thanks for your help
Sorry I misread your OS as OSX !
I corrected the post.
The downloads for PC/MAC are the same.
Do you have XP SP3 - latest version?
I think that is need for full v2013 compatibility... -
You could try hacking a Registry if you feel up to it...
Close SketchUp.
**Run >**regedit
The new toolbar settings are found in the Registry under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\RubyWorkspace
Search in that for '2d Tools
You'll get something like:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\RubyWorkspace\ToolbarsUser-Bar2
Its actual'-Bar
' end-suffix will vary for your setup.
Make a note of its 'BarID
' key's value, mine is:**59650**
Now look through the nearby listed items for the THREE matches:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\RubyWorkspace\RubyToolBar-**59650** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\RubyWorkspace\BasePane-**59650** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Pane-**59650**
Delete just those THREE entries in turn and close regedit.On a restart of SketchUp the toolbar should now be reset - docked nicely in the top bar.
You can then un-dock it and relocate it as desired...Please let me know how it goes...
hello Tig
got it,
I work on the registry according to your description.
At first I thought i would have just the same as before.
After moving all toolbars again to free float a glimpse of a toolbar shoed up in the upper left hand corner.
double-click on it and there it was(hidden with a couple of other lost workhorses)
Thanks for your great help - i wouldn`t have managed this with out you.
Of course you shouldn't need to be put to this trouble !
Trimble need to come up with a fixed version, very quickly !
I have the same problems with invisible toolbars - 2D tools, extrusion,....
I think I'll wait for an update from TRIMBLE for v2013. Anyway TRIMBLE should fix it asap.
BTW. The way that new toolbars work is buggy - I cannot place any toolbar in two or more columns - when I drag a toolbar to the left side of my screen it appears only as a single-column.
@smicha said:
BTW. The way that new toolbars work is buggy - I cannot place any toolbar in two or more columns - when I drag a toolbar to the left side of my screen it appears only as a single-column.
This is not a bug in SketchUp. The toolbar generator is designed to work this way. You can put two toolbars side by side, though. I made two custom toolbars using the tools I use and placed them side by side. They are now basically in the same position as they were in SU8 and they actually take up less space because they are only two toolbars.
I meant one toolbar in two columns - as this is shown at your screenshot you have both toolbars in single columns. In v8 I could drag two-columned toolbar and it remained two-columned. -
@smicha said:
I have the same problems with invisible toolbars - 2D tools, extrusion,....
I think I'll wait for an update from TRIMBLE for v2013. Anyway TRIMBLE should fix it asap.
BTW. The way that new toolbars work is buggy - I cannot place any toolbar in two or more columns - when I drag a toolbar to the left side of my screen it appears only as a single-column.
I'm sure that Trimble already have v13M1 in the pipeline, to fix this embarrassing issue...This toolbar is not 'invisible' - it's just 'not visible' [a subtle difference] - it's almost certainly been mistakenly docked in the top-bar by SketchUp, and is now stuck below some other docked toolbar[s].
Drag off the overlying toolbars.
Double-click the wrongly docked toolbar and drag it off too.
Now the toolbars should work as expected.
Move/re-dock toolbars as desired.As Dave R says - pipped to the post -
Docked toolbars can only be one button across.
This is not a bug - it's a limitation of the new toolbar format.
It's a trade-off for avoiding the toolbar mayhem on window resize that you got prior to v2013 !
With the v2013 native toolbars you can customize them - moving or copying buttons onto new toolbars - so you can then have two or more toolbars docked side by side.There are also some Toolbar-customizer tools recently launched - check out Aerilius's...
These may help you do some of what you wish... -
I get it. Thanks.