About designing a shoe.
Yes you understood exactly my problem! I will make some exercice follwing your explanations which sound very logical .. but I had'not thougt about doing this way ! Thanks a lot ,will try it and revert..
hello mitcorb!
Sorry I used the wrong thread yesterday.
everything works fine with the bspline. Thank you!
I meet now the following problem with EEBE:
As you can see on the attachment, I have deisgned a sole, then the b spline to desing the upper part of the shoe which I will of course transfom afterwards.
The shape I come to is correct around the heel but getting flat on the side of the shoe and doesnot keep the same shape if you see the shoe with a face view. The meaning was to keep the same curved shaped also on the side.. Any idea how I could get this shape on the sides?
If you want something like the picture below you can try the "Follow me and keep" plugin that you can find >here<. But you have to work hard to clean the model.
Donยดt know if this could be of any help to you, but check it out - http://www21.brinkster.com/jrcsurvey/tutorials/alana/Index.html.
I have found it some time ago when I was playing with Wings3D, but maybe it could be useful for SU users also. -
Yes Massimo, after I have been trying several plugins, I come also to the conclusion the best is follow me. Quite a job indeed to clean after specially when using a very curved sole and round corner on the top that takes away lots of faces to be rebuilt . But the result is quite ok!!
Thanks for the tuto numbthumb, quite interesting indeed although the tools are not the same in SU, but the procedure remains very interesting.
Have a nice evening both of you !!
In effect in your model "follow me" and "follow me and keep" have very similar results.
IMO creating a basic proxy and using SDS will yield a better and quicker result.
If you want a shoe with more imprecise forms design you can use the "Zbrush like sculpting" method with the plugin Sculptools by BTM
Here is one idea, please note this is a quick rough idea.
Create basic shapes of profiles
Push/pull to extrude them.
Intersect and remove unwanted mesh or use Booltools to automate this.
This will then be your sole.
Now to create your proxy, this is hard to explain as it's a bit of a trial and error, once you have played around with SDS you will get the feel of it and creating proxy's become easy.
The heel proxy.
Both proxy's smoothed with SDS at 2 iriterations.
Shoes, like I said this is a fast and nasty meant for idea purposes only.
Here is a pair I did a while back for my 'Bubbles" character model, these are more cartoonish than you may need.
Hi Solo!
Thanks a lot for the info.
I would like to use SDS but this plugin is not free. I live in Marrakech and moroccon bank cards are not accepted on the net. Sounds stupid but so it is!.. I had to use free or native plugins and got an ok result with follow me at least for some parts. However, I meet difficulties now as I cannot get a proper and smooth transition between two shapes. For exemple, one shape starting with a 'c' and ending with and 's' or a wider 'c'as the side of the shoe has not got the same shape all over.
May be the recommanded sculptools by Pilou oculd be something indeed.
Pilou do you know where I could see some tuto or projects realized where this plugin has been used? Could not find any on the net really.Solo, your gallery is just top !!
Kind regards both -
Hello Massimo.
Trying desperatly to find a solution with follow me as you used in the picture you sent here. I get it to work but cannot find yet the solution to cover totally the surface. As you can see from your own drawing, there is a gap on the upper part and the volume is not closed. I have extended the face to be extruded so that the two sides cross each other on the upper part and they could then be cleaned off.
But I do not get SU to accept this ! Probably something to do with the angle at the front of the shoe which is to sharp . The path is actually broken there, looks like a V and not a C if you see what I mean. Could you think about any solution otherwise I have to leave that gap and start knitting but I do not think it will be esthetic at all!!
Thanks -
With the Sculpt tools by BTM
Just use the Sandbox from Scratch for make a grid with many polygons/triangle
then sculpt it as you want with the different tools of the plug!About the Smooth and divide you have this free one at Smustard some rustic but sufficient
Hi Pilou!
Thanks a lot really. I have installed smooth and divide. In the tools , I can alos find Catmull-clark subdivision.
However nothing happened what ever I do. I designed a T shape, , select it and click on catmull but nothing moves ! Is there any place to give parameters or something ?!!
ABout Sculptool, yes I could imagine it was necessary to use sand box. After I have done that, I select a tool, click on the hand but nothing happens either where I go with the circle. I have changed parameters but no changes! The only thing I can get is when clicking on the angle and pulling, I get then a pick that follows the circle but can never get the shape of the tool I select..
Pls Help!!!!!!!
Kind regards -
@mirami said:
Hi Pilou!
Thanks a lot really. I have installed smooth and divide. In the tools , I can alos find Catmull-clark subdivision.
However nothing happened what ever I do. I designed a T shape, , select it and click on catmull but nothing moves ! Is there any place to give parameters or something ?!!
ABout Sculptool, yes I could imagine it was necessary to use sand box. After I have done that, I select a tool, click on the hand but nothing happens either where I go with the circle. I have changed parameters but no changes! The only thing I can get is when clicking on the angle and pulling, I get then a pick that follows the circle but can never get the shape of the tool I select..
Pls Help!!!!!!!
Kind regardscatmull is a kind of subdivision for a solid shape, so it won't work on a 't' shape.
As for sculpt tools, the hand is the grab tool, the other tools are bulge/carve, push/pinch, smooth, and smudge. The hand is a tool by itself, with which you grab and drag geometry. The dialog tool contains settings, which are shared by all the tools.
Hi !
Thanks a lot for explanations.
However, I made lots of trials but nothing happens! The only thing I get on the screen is the blue circle but no tools no work at all. There must be something I did not quite understnad, but what ?!!!!!! -
@ solo
here two links where style is same like your previous charming girl with red shoes
Monsieur Z and Stephane Neidardt -
@mirami said:
Hi !
Thanks a lot for explanations.
However, I made lots of trials but nothing happens! The only thing I get on the screen is the blue circle but no tools no work at all. There must be something I did not quite understnad, but what ?!!!!!!can you open the ruby console before using the tools, to see if there are any error messages when you try using them?
Right you are.
I got many error messages :Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant GrabSculpt::E>
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp and also C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:242:inonLButtonUp' C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:236:in
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:236:in `onLButtonUp'
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:195
And many others ...
What do I have to do ??!
Thanks a lot -
@mirami said:
Right you are.
I got many error messages :Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant GrabSculpt::E>
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp and also C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:242:inonLButtonUp' C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:236:in
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:236:in `onLButtonUp'
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/btm_Sculpt_Tools/btm_Sculpt6_Grab.rb:195
And many others ...
What do I have to do ??!
Thanks a lotThat message seems to say that the constant
doesn't exist. Open your ruby console, and type
into the input line, and click return/ enter. It should return2.71828182845905
in the ruby console. If not, then I have no idea why. In ruby, the constantE
should be Euler's Number. This constant is used in my code for the S-Curve brush-type.