Richard revisited (Pencil sketch style)
Hi All
Back in 2005/06 there was the Dennis thread, a 480 post mammoth in the old SketchUp forums. Dennis showed us how to do quick sketchy/watercolour style output using multiple images saved from SU into PhotoShop. But burried in that massive thread someone called Richard did a great pencil only image, which we called the Richard technique. Not sure if he ever managed to work out afterwards how he did it though! If you're still out there Richard, could you give us any tips?
Here's a sketch I'm working on. Just lines so far. Any suggestions and comments much appreciated.
Hi Rob,
good idea!
I am very interested in the old school SU methods again as well.
There are quite a lot of reasons not to use photoreal rendering for design stuff.
Actually it is quite refreshing to go the sketchy road .
I notice that it does speed up my workflow a lot, and I don't have to bother with pin pointing materials too soon in early design phases.Richard indeed used a great technique for stylised sketches.
Not only that, I recently started using his 2d silhouette people again. They are the best component collection ever! Thanks for that Richard!!! -
That last image is starting to look good Rob.
I too have been playing around with sketchy and b&w images more recently.
Kwist, can you point me to the 2d collection please, it sounds very useful.
Find the Richard Technique here, along with many others:
Hang on, I'll knock on his door.....
@kwistenbiebel said:
Richard posted these 2D silhouette people on Pushpullbar.
I am not sure if I can upload the zip file here?
Richard?You there?Here's how they look:
and here's the direct link....
Also the colored 2D people..... -
utiler, they cannot download stuff from ppb's component section unless they have certain numbers of posts and reputation points there.
@utiler said:
Hang on, I'll knock on his door.....
You even woke me up!!!
Hey Rob, thanks for dragging up an old one!
Mate the two big tips I could add to your sketch which looks great BTW, is to use a layer is PS and render clouds, then reduce the blending of that layer way down! and even rub bits out, gives it that dirty page look, the one you get from dragging your hand across pencil lines whilst in action!
The other would be to use a very subtle spherical filter on a wire frame export of your model and again reduce blending weight and erase heavily! This gives the impression of early construction work, though needs to be subtle!
To my original trial I also added additional geometry to fake really long construction lines
I guess it's all about testing!Must say mate I'm no expert, did a darn lot of these by hand years ago (like 25 years) and just tried to replicate what they looked like then! Much more accurate now though!
When you are writing a message, down below the save, preview, submit buttons, there are 2 tabs. One for "Options" and one for "Upload Attachment". Go there,
Hey Kwist
Mate I think I may have updated that file this end quite a bit since the last posting on the PPB. I'll have a look and post the zip here (well if I can work out how?)
Might be a day or two - flat out like a lizard this week!
Just had a look - yes fair bit bigger now! 6.5meg of just geometry!
Oh man I feel SO DUMB!
I've looked and looked and looked and not once have I ever noticed that tab! I've always been looking for a button! Now I see it how did I miss it!! No wonder they call me Dick!
Thanks Chris!!!
I just register to this forums and at the second post I read I just found that the famous Richard, from "Dennis Technique" is still alive and kicking!!! and I just remember that I was there at the very first post of that long, long, long thread.
well, back to business, I like the pencil concept and I have a few questions that I'm hoping you can answer for me
- Do you use a personal pencil style? if so, man I'm jealous
- on the same subject, how do you do the pencil shading? it just looks great
- The extended lines are from the style? or from the famous D technique?
Thanks in advance
Hi Richard. Great to have a personal critique from you
I applied the smudge layer as you said. Probably a bit too pronounced but it shows what the layer does. Also tweaked the image with a vignette over the top. Now I just have to find a spherical filter for the GIMP. Anyone out there with any ideas?
Gimp 2: Filters >> Decor >> Fuzzy Border, should be something like you want ?
Thank you for the answers Rob, I'm going to try to refrain myself the next time.
@unknownuser said:
I just register to this forums and at the second post I read I just found that the famous Richard, from "Dennis Technique" is still alive and kicking!!! and I just remember that I was there at the very first post of that long, long, long thread.
well, back to business, I like the pencil concept and I have a few questions that I'm hoping you can answer for me
- Do you use a personal pencil style? if so, man I'm jealous
- on the same subject, how do you do the pencil shading? it just looks great
- The extended lines are from the style? or from the famous D technique?
Thanks in advance
Ha thanks mate!
The extended lines in my example are in part from simple SU line extensions set to max, but also from loose lines added to the model just for the purpose of dragging out some long sketch constructions lines!
And yes mate that is a pretty close representation of how I did pencil / pen work by hand though feeling like so long ago now! 25 years of drawing can get you pretty tidy at it! I used to do a lot of old perspectives for project home building companies. Mind you I could do them not much slower than with SU now! I couldn't colour them for shit!
@rob d said:
Now I just have to find a spherical filter for the GIMP.[/attachment]
Not sure a fuzzy border would be the ideal filter type! I've never tried gimp though would then suggest just transforming the wire frame layer - not sure now in Gimp though in PS its just a case of selecting all then selecting to transform or manually scale. Then scaling from the corner holding ctrl you can move the corners in or out.
Either that or just nudge the layer off position just a bit. Really only trying to add some light secondary lines to random areas so it looked like you've done quick light rough out construction first!
Mate if your keen to try some other techniques from SU, I'd love to see someone give this one a shot. Doesn't seem anyone has really thrown an attempt in the ring!